Charlotte Rains Dixon  


So, tomorrow is my birthday, and no I'm not going to tell you how old I am.  Age has no meaning, right?  Its only a number…like the number on the bathroom scale.  Actually, my son the mathemetician would take issue with the phrase "only a number" because his brain dwells in the land of numbers all the time.

Speaking of my son, yesterday he appeared at my house after I'd been alone working all day.  I had that vaguely wild-eyed, messy-haired look that one gets when one has been writing for hours.  I looked up at him and realized he had the same look.

He proceeded to tell me how he'd been sitting in his apartment with the shades drawn against the heat, reading obscure math texts (my description, not his).  And now he felt strangely ill at ease in the world and uncomfortable with human contact.

I said, "Welcome to my world."  I feel like that all the time.  I really have to get out more.  Actually, I get out plenty on nights and weekends.  But I'm very accustomed to spending long hours alone at home with no human contact. 

Along those lines, I'm taking myself out to coffee for my birthday tomorrow morning.  I might even have a Starbucks Frappucino, one of my most favorite things in the world, but something I haven't indulged in since last winter when I gave up sugar.

In some cultures, it is traditional to look back upon your year birthday to birthday.  Here in the states we're more apt to look at things from an old year/new year perspective.  But I've always enjoyed looking back to my past birthday and pondering what happened over the previous 12 months.  The first six months of this year were quite sedate and business as usual.  But starting on January 1st, hoo boy, things got wild.  My Mom fell and was hospitalized and that began the long, slow process that led to her death.  My daughter got married–with three weeks notice–and has had to cope with her husband being sent to Kuwait.  And my sister and I (and our families) spent every waking moment cleaning out Mom's house and handling the sale.

All of this has got me thinking (I wouldn't be worth my salt as a writer if events such as these didn't get me thinking).  I don't know where these thoughts are going to lead yet.  Because one thing I've learned over the past year is that we really don't know anything about where we're going–even though we like to think we do.  But I do know that I'm feeling a renewed commitment to my writing, a fresh vow to present only myself and all of me on the page, and a burning desire to be master of my own destiny.

So I hope this birthday year is going to be not only an interesting one, but a fun and productive one.

Stay tuned.  I'll keep you posted about whatever happens.

0 thoughts on “Birthdays

  1. Susanne Van Hulst

    HAPPY, HAPPY belated Birthday,Charlotte. I’m sending you a big hug! I hope you had a fantastic day!!!!

    I know, it’s longtime since I have visited your blog – traveling is very time consuming for me, but beautiful!

    Thanks for your visits to my blog, very much appreciated.
    Sue’s Daily Photography

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Susanne, and a happy birthday to you, too! Its always a pleasure to visit your blog and view your wonderful photos.

  3. Theresa111

    Oh Charlotte, sorry I missed your celebration day but here goes ….

    July 17th!
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday Dear Charlotte
    Happy Birthday To You!

    This year will be full of joy and magical writing ideas just for you. I am glad we are friends! Warmest regards and hugs, too, Theresa :D

  4. bria quinlan

    Oh wow – Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    I’m on the road and keep missing things like birthdays…oh, and contest deadlines :(

    Have a great BIRTHDAY WEEK! :)

  5. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks Theresa and Bria, it has been a marvelous extended birthday, celebrating with family and friends and basking in summer.

  6. RennyBA

    Hi Charlotte, sorry I’m late but; from all of me to all of You: Happy Birthday dear blog friend!

    I do agree; age is just a number and whatever it is, you seams to be in your best!

    Good luck in the year(s) to come – have fun and enjoy :-)

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