How To Get an Agent Class

It’s summer.

That time of year when writers everywhere–maybe you– are heading out to writer’s conferences all over the country, destined there to meet with….a literary agent.

A literary agent who just might decide to represent you.

That is, if you know how to go about nabbing one.  But, never fear, I can teach you that.  If you sign up for my upcoming class, you’ll learn:

–Why and when you need an agent

–An overview of the process of finding and getting an agent

–How to submit fiction and non-fiction

–How to research agents

–How to write a query letter

–How to create an attention-getting pitch

–How and when to query

–How to deal with rejection

And everything else I know about getting an agent!

This class has two options:

Class only, which will include a recording and handouts, for $47

Class, which includes all of the above, plus critique of your query letter, for $77

It will be held on Tuesday, July 11th, at 5 PM Pacific/6 PM Mountain/7 PM Central/8 PM Eastern. The class will run an hour to an hour and a half, with time for questions at the end.  It will be recorded, so you can listen if you can’t make it live.  And there will be handouts! (I love handouts.)

You’ll be all set to pitch agents at conferences this summer and/or begin the querying process.  Here are the two options:

How to Get an Agent Class + Critique


How to Get an Agent Class only


book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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