Make Money Writing Class

Make Money Writing Class: Sustain Yourself Doing What You Love While You Write Your Novel (Or Memoir, Or Other Creative Project)

A new class will be starting soon!  The best way to find out about classes is to sign up for my list (form to the right, and you get a free Ebook, too!)  Or email me for more information.

So, you’ve got to make some money.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could earn bucks doing what you love–writing?

You can, and I’m proof.  As a writer, ghostwriter, writing teacher, and blogger, I’ve been earning money through my writing for years.

And now, by popular request (because so many of you have asked me how I do it), I am pleased to announce a brand new class called, ta-da:

Make Money Writing

This five-session teleclass will be starting up again soon.  It covers:

1.  Blogging/Internet Information Marketing

Do you have a passion?  Would you like to know how to make money writing about it online?  This class covers the basics of blogging, including techniques for getting traffic to your site and what you need to include on your blog.  We’ll also discuss the creation of information products.  Every writer needs an online presence, and a blog is the fastest and easiest way to get one.

2.  Freelance Writing

I made my living as a freelance writer for traditional magazines and publications in the days before the internet (those dark, dark ages).  You can still make money doing that, and the internet has opened up a ton of other freelance opportunities.  We’ll discuss both arenas, and cover the basics of coming up with ideas, targeting them, querying, and submitting articles.

3.  Ghostwriting

Of all the questions I get asked about my writing life, probably most of them concern my ghostwriting.  And with good reason: my book ghostwriting is my most lucrative income stream. We’ll cover getting clients, setting fees, and how to actually write a book in someone else’s voice.   Included also will be information on ghostwriting smaller projects, such as articles and blogs.  And we’ll talk about writing books in general.

4.  Teaching and Coaching

This module will cover taking your area of expertise and teaching a class on it.  You can do it in-person, or through the wonders of the interwebs, online.  I’ll also discuss coaching and creating events such as retreats.

5.  Putting it All Together

Most writers create a writing life out of a patchwork of projects.  I’m no different–I work in all the areas I’m covering in this class.  So how do you balance all these balls without going nuts?  I’ll talk about that and also cover the all-important mindset for writing success.

You’ll finish the class with actionable ideas to get started making money right away.  And, I’m keeping the cost of the class low because so many of you have told me you desperately need this information.

So here are the details:

A new class will be starting soon!  The best way to find out about classes is to sign up for my list (form to the right, and you get a free Ebook, too!)  Or email me for more information.

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