My friend Sue (one of my Nashville peeps) and I have both recently started re-writing our novels. Today she emailed me and asked what I knew about first chapters. I told her one thing I know about first chapters is that they are hard–hard because a first chapter is the foundation for everything that is to follow.
First paragraphs in articles are hard, too. Usually (okay, always) I must have my first paragraph set before the rest of an article will flow, and its for the same reason–all the words that follow depend on the firm foundation of the first paragraph.
So, too, with first entries in a blog, like this one. It logically (though logic is not my strong suit, despite my love of Sudoku) follows that the premiere post should be a strong basis for all the missives to come. It should delineate the themes of the blog, be witty and erudite, and make people want to keep coming back for more. Which makes it really hard, just like writing the first chapter of a novel. The difference being that by the time a novel gets published, that first chapter will have been rewritten a gazillion times, and the essence of a blog is daily communication. So, to heck with it. I’ll forget about strong foundations and all that and just dive right in.
After all, one of my fondly held beliefs is that process is more important than product, at least while one is the middle of the process of creating a product. Its so easy to get caught up in thoughts of the product–does it sound right? will people like it? is it good?–that it can paralyze you while you are trying to be engrossed in the process. And conversely, there’s nothing better in the whole world than those times when you are so caught up in the writing process that two hours pass like two minutes.
This blog will focus on process, and words, and how to produce a lot of them, and a whole lot more. After all, the word strumpet means prostitute and the word prostitute means, according to Webster’s, a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, especially for money. As a word strumpet, I engage in promiscuous writing activity, especially, but certainly not solely, for money. Strumpet that I am, I can’t get enough of words, can’t get enough of writing.
Hence, the blog, which will not only serve as a forum to produce more words but hopefully provoke comment. Because another one of my firmly held beliefs is that writing is communication, and communication is a loop. If any part of the loop is broken, something is missing, which is why writers whine a lot about how hard it is to get published. So I am casting my words into the circle and you can keep the circle unbroken by writing back with comments.
Until then, as always, I’ll just be here writing.
Milli Thornton (@fearofwriting)
Reading this post on the seventh anniversary of your blog, it’s easy to see that you’ve spent seven years meeting the goals you set yourself here. I love your blogging goals! They’re healthy. They’re fun. They’re naughty too (I absolutely love your definition of yourself as a word strumpet). I feel I benefit, as one of your readers, from this unflagging zest your bring to your blogging style. As well as all the great writing reminders and advice.
Congrats, Charlotte. You’re truly an inspiration.
Charlotte Dixon
Inspiring you, Milli, is a high honor! Thank you!
7 Things About Writing I’ve Learned in 7 Years of Blogging (With Giveaway!) | Charlotte Rains Dixon
[…] By the way, before we get started, you can read my first blog post here. […]