List of Writing Prompts–1
Prompts Time yourself, (10-20 minutes), do not quit writing no matter what I don’t know how she does it. I don’t know why he does it. You’re on the wrong road. The last bus left. It’s dark, it’s cold and I am hungry. I love being lost. The Ides of March. What use is it anyway? When I opened the door…. The last time I saw his face…. Please tell me its not true. When the power goes out, life slows down. In the mountains, there you feel free (thanks to T.S. Eliot) She walked into the ocean. Along time ago, I…. The worst thing I ever did was…. I hate the way he does that. Never say that again. The best thing in life is… A long time ago, in a universe far away…(thanks to George Lucas) Life is not what you think it is.