Short and Sweet or SEO?
We all know Seth Godin is a god (its even part of his name). I’ve been reading his free e-books on blogging and making lenses on Squidoo.
(Go here to find them.)
Seth talks about making blog entries short and sweet. Good strategy. What I find very interesting, though, is the contrast between the blog-writing manta of short and sweet and the craft of SEO web writing, which I’ve recently been doing a fair amount of.
SEO writing is all about verbiage. Lots and lots of it. You’re writing to a word count, and writing original content about things you’ve probably not spent a lot of time pondering in the overall scheme of things. So you end up writing 10 words when 5 would do and 3 would be even better. Its all about reaching that word count–and using the key word as many times as possible.
Truth be told, its actually quite entertaining. I find it a challenge to come up with new topics, pad the article with keywords, and still make it informative and sound natural.
If nothing else, its great practice for overcoming writer’s block.