Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Blog Carnivals

One of my blog catalog friends, Jimbozs2000, has started a blog carnival.  Its pretty cool, all the moreso because he picked up one of my posts.  Head on over to his blog and check it out.  You’ll see me if you scroll down a bit and you can also lclick on the Why I Write heading.

While you are there, check out some of the other great blogs he has linked to.  A lot of them are people from blog catalog, which in my not-so humble opinion is the most user-friendly and fun blog networking site.

By the way, Jimbozs maintains about 10 blogs.  I’m not quite sure how he has the time to keep them all going.  I am in awe!

0 thoughts on “Blog Carnivals

  1. jim

    Thank you for the kind words..great blog I know you’ll keep it intresting..jim

  2. Roy Burkhead

    Hey Charlotte:

    Just checked out the carnival, and it was great. Loved seeing you on that site. :-)

    Later, Roy

  3. Charlotte

    Hey Roy,
    Thanks for checking it out–Jim is doing a great job, helping a lot of bloggers out, so I’m really pleased you took the time to visit his blog.

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