Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Things to Write on Labor Day

Some of you out there might have actual plans to write this weekend, unlike moi.  Despite having a long list of writerly things to do, I have so instead, so far this weekend:  been to Friday Happy Hour, spent three flippin’ hours at the new Ikea, watched two episodes of Big Love on demand, cleaned the house (though not my office, which is in dire need), and have been having a blast figuring out my new editing job, which almost, but not quite counts as writing.  And, lest you think I am going to buckle down and write today, nothing could be further than the truth.  I am on my way to go hiking in the Columbia Gorge in just a few minutes.  But, even though I can’t write today, I thought I’d leave you with a list of things to write. 

I mean, if you can’t write, the second best thing is to tell others what to write, right?  No worries, I’ll be back at it with a vengeance tomorrow. 

So, here you go:

  • Write a poem about the weather, good, bad or ugly.  Or write a poem about your weekend.  Or just write a poem about anything.  The world needs more poets.
  • Write your autobiography, or at least start it.   Rumor has it that you can dredge up all kinds of great material for stories this way.
  • In honor of the school year starting, draw up a plan for what you want to write over the next four months.  What do you want to have accomplished by December, writing-wise?  (Okay, this isn’t exactly writing, but cut me some slack here.)
  • Write a character sketch based on a person you saw in your rounds this weekend.  If you didn’t see anyone of note, take yourself to the coffee shop and observe until you do.  Then make notes and create a character.
  • Write down 25 ideas for your writing.  In a perfect world, if you had all the time you needed to write, what would you like to write about?  Write those down.  Then choose one and start writing.

And now, away, away, I must away…until tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “Things to Write on Labor Day

  1. Blogger Gabby

    Greetings from India! I just joined your neighbourhood on blogcatalog. This post is very helpful to me, thank you. I’ve been in this situation many a times. I’m relatively new to blogging and … yes writing ofcourse! The tips you’ve mentioned here seem to have given me a fair idea as to where i can look out for the creative juices to flow…
    Thanks once again

  2. Charlotte

    Thank you for stopping by. I’ll go check you out on Blog Catalog–it is my favorite of all the blog networks.


  3. Wolfbernz

    Those are some great ideas to get my brain in gear.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    All the Best

  4. Charlotte

    Nice to see you again!


  5. Eric

    Hiohhh!! I’m back to do some copy work and get my TAG underway…I think I’ll also post a poem about weather :-)

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