Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Excellence Award

The wonderful Jen at Semi-charmed wife passed on the Excellence Award to me.  Thanks, Jen!  Now I get to pass it on to others.  I’d choose Jen because she has a great blog but I can’t because she’s already gotten in.  So here are my choices (and let me just say these are a combination of old favorites and newly discovered friends):

1.  Suzanne at Thetahealingblog.

2.  Derek at Pieces of Zen.

3.  Horatiosalt at Wundurful Wurld

4.  David at Virginia Breeze.

5.  Don at My 2 cents 4 the day.

I know there are more that I’m going to kick myself for not including and since I can do up to ten, I reserve the right to award more as the spirit moves me!

0 thoughts on “Excellence Award

  1. horatio salt

    Thanks, Charlotte. Much appreciated.

  2. Charlotte

    You’re welcome!

  3. Jen

    Hooray for sharing the love!!

  4. Derek

    Thank you Charlotte for thinking of my blog :-)

  5. Charlotte

    You’re welcome, Derek!

  6. don

    Thanks Charlotte. It’s an honor I will cherish for a long, long time to come!

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