Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Just Do It

I read recently that its the 20th anniversary of the Nike slogan, Just Do It.  I live in the Nike company town and went to school at the Nike company college, so of course this anniversary has extra special meaning for me.

Well, not really, but it always has been one of the most brilliant slogans ever written.

I thought of it the other morning when I was working on a project that seems to have dragged on for months.  Its an e-book that I’m writing and every time I feel like I’m making good progress on it, I realize I still have way more to do.

I was bemoaning my fate to myself, loudly and very dramatically, when the thought occurred to me.  Just do it. Quit whining and hand-wringing and just do it.   Use the energy that gets wasted on whining and worrying about it on writing.  (I used to tell my son this all the time–that if he’d use the time and energy he was wasting on complaining about having to clean his room on actually cleaning his room it would be done in a jiffy.  Well, maybe more like a week, but you get the drift.)

So I did.  And I got a huge chunk done rather quickly.  Tried it again this morning, and guess what?  It worked again. 

The e-book is almost finished (details to follow soon) and I’m excited about it.

So put aside your dislike of large corporate behemoths and join me in wishing Just Do It a very happy anniversary. 

0 thoughts on “Just Do It

  1. Roy Burkhead


    I’ve always loved the philosophy of “Just Do It.” :-) It applies to so many things in life.

    Later, Roy

  2. Allen M.

    Just Do It – an excellent slogan that Nike will not have to ever change. It’s a good message that has a lot to do with time management. We all have work to accomplish, but that one slogan commands you to step up to the plate, without physically forcing you. To be a productive person, you need to get organized in your daily schedule. There was a good blog posting from Ronn Torossian, President of 5W Public Relations, who suggests a few things on how to add hours of effectiveness per week.

  3. Charlotte

    Thanks, Allen, and I’ll check that out. I can definitely use a few more hours in my week.

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