Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Link Round-Up

By the time you read this, I'll be in Nashville. And even though I have learned how to send a post to this site from my Centro, just in case the giant Centro God in the sky deems that feature unavailable this week, I've collected a few of my favorite Wordstrumpet links for your reading pleasure.

No, they aren't from other blogs, they are from this one.  You think I really want you wandered away from here?  No, I need more traffic and lots of it.  So don't wander away, spend time on posts you may not have had the opportunity to read.

And sign up for my newsletter while you are at it.  (Its that cute box to the right.  At least I think it is to the right.  I have to stop and think about it every time.)

So here goes, a selection of posts for your reading pleasure, in no particular order:

A reminder of my obsession about David Cook.  How quickly we move on to other things.  But no doubt I will buy his CD when it comes out in the Fall.

Springtime in Oregon.  Nothing better.  Except for maybe fall in Oregon, days so beautiful they make your heart hurt.

Ah, LA.  You gotta love it.

I don't know, I'm silly that way, I just love to write.

And finally, lest we forget, why I'm in Nashville.  C'mon and join me, y'all.

One more thing–if you're bored, Bookstrumpet, my sister site has all kinds of great reviews on it.  I've got a great staff of contributors who write about all kinds of interesting books.  Check it out. 

0 thoughts on “Link Round-Up

  1. Roy

    Welcome to Nashville. See you soon…

  2. Adam James Nall

    Strumpet is such a fantastic word, isn’t it. Very much enjoyed the writing I’ve looked over so far. Will turn to bookstrumpet when I’ve more time.



  3. Ronald Lewis

    Good luck in Nashville, Charlotte…
    Hope you’ll be back soon :)

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