Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Creativity With a Purpose

I'm all for creativity–it is the centerpiece of my life.  As a writer, I've had to cultivate ways to be creative and stay creative on a regular basis.  This includes nurturing ideas, putting them on paper, and developing them into finished pieces, whether those finished pieces are paid work for clients or passion projects for myself. My creativity extends to other areas of my life, too, such as my love of knitting, of arranging (and rearranging) my home, and gardening.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about creativity.  Actually, I always think a lot about creativity, as I coach clients and students to be able to access it with ease on a regular basis.  But I've been pondering it more deeply as I move toward putting together a true online information business (Ebooks, teleclasses, and coaching, oh my!).

And what I've realized is that most of my work around creativity is very purpose driven.  I teach and promote creativity with a purpose–whether that purpose is a book you want to write, a skirt you want to sew, or a painting you want to paint.  Don't get me wrong–creativity for its own sake is wonderful.  But there are lots of great folks talking about and teaching that kind of creativity.  My niche is helping people who need to be creative for a reason blast blocks and get down to it.

I've got a lot of ideas and plans for this niche, so stay tuned.  Better yet, subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you stay up to date.

And for those of you whose creative bent tends toward business, I've got a great tip for you.  The fabulous Marney at Artella is presenting the beta version of her new teleclass, The Complete Idealist's Blissness Action Camp. and it starts on Monday.  Because its the beta version, the class is half-price–IF you register by Monday.  I'm signed up for it, and I can't wait–Marney's classes and products are always high value and lots of fun.  Either click one of the links in this post or click on the colorful button to the left to sign up.

0 thoughts on “Creativity With a Purpose

  1. Susanne Van Hulst

    Finally I’m able to visit your blog again – thanks to finally good connections – and sorry for the long absence! Traveling and driving sometimes almost 8 hours a day is very tiring and often I just don’t feel like sitting on my laptop at all. I know it’s sounds like an excuse, but it is not! :))

    Sue’s Daily Photography

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Susanne, Glad to hear from you. I hope your trip is going well and that you will let me know when you get out to the West coast!

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