Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Out With the Old
I rearranged my living room yesterday to take better advantage of the gas fire we had installed before Christmas. Rearranging feels like getting stagnant energy out of all the corners and this is the perfect time to do it. I'm doing it with my writing, too….

Living room

0 thoughts on “

  1. Derek

    Looks like a great place to crash out Charlotte.. I like the old typewriter. It’s a great touch. I remember my Dad had one just like it. Can’t imagine using one now, but sitting there like that I guess it would remind you that you are a writer.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    I love that old typewriter. Bought it to write letters on but I discovered that it is nearly a full body workout to type on it. You have to press on each key with great force and it is tiring. So now it is just a nice decorative item!

  3. Julie Jordan Scott

    I love love love love this! I also have a typewriter as a part of my decor. LOL. Great minds and people who love words decorate alike, eh?

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Indeed! There is something so appealing about an old typewriter. Computers don’t quite have the same panache.

  5. rebecca

    My mother has an old typewriter like that, that her father used. It must be 80 years old by now. Funny how modern technology gadgets just don’t bring the memories flooding back like the old gadgets.

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    I think my typewriter is around 80 years old. I do wonder if we’ll be looking fondly at our Macs and Dells 80 years from now. Kinda doubt it.

  7. RennyBA's Terella

    I can tell Rearranging give some advantages – even in the living room :-)

    What a typewriter – soooo classic!

    Btw: Thanks for the visit and comment; I will keep on tempting you and soon hope to convince you :-)

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    I just love the new energy that rearranging brings.

    You are doing such a great job of tempting me and you never know, I might just sign up!

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