Friday Follies
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Follies: Festive Friday 2

It's Friday again!Everystockphoto_193639_m

This is going to be a brief post, because I am in Nashville.  However, I couldn't leave you to your weekend without another installment of festive Fridays, now, could I?

In case you have forgotten, we're designing a crazy dance party for either you or your characters.  You can read the original Friday Folly post here, and the first Festive Friday post here.

And now, on with the party.  Today we are going to concentrate on what the characters look like.

  • Describe several of the main people at your party.  All the things you'd say if you described them to a friend.  Height, weight, hair color, eye color, mannerisms, gestures, etc.
  • What's the dress code at your party? 
  • Take several of your favorite characters (or friends in real life) and describe their outfits.  Remember, as above, so below.  The way people dress totally reflects who they are inside.
  • What's your favorite outfit?  Why?
  • Who do you wish you could dress like only you don't have the nerve?  What would you wear if you could?
  • What is the absolute most favorite thing in your closet?
  • What item of clothing should you get rid of, but you can't bear to?  Why?

Okay, that's enough for now.  Have fun and feel free to post answers to any or all of these questions.

0 thoughts on “Follies: Festive Friday 2

  1. Derek

    Well, as if you can’t guess, my Friday party is going to be very light-hearted with the theme, Zen and the Art of Partying…

    The party is an “enlightenment” party. Not that anybody expects enlightenment, but one never knows! We are all more or less the same height, but perhaps someone is there who is slightly shorter – only perhaps, because Zen is not reasonable like that. The party gets into full swing with people getting together in groups discussing the answer to such questions as, “what it the sound of one hand clapping?” Some profess to know the answer, but the others are not quite so sure that it is not the drink talking.

    The dress code is anything you want to wear and there are some characters there who have shaved their heads for occasion and are wearing robes and carrying a rice bowl but I don’t think that they are meant to be filled with hard liquor though!

    As a guy, I don’t think I have a favourite thing in my wardrobe, so I am hosting this party in jeans and T-shirt, the most comfortable thing to wear… :-)

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