Only Write/Writing Abundance
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

2. Only Write/Writing Abundance, Practice One: Connect

This is the second post of a projected very long series and future info product whose name is still under consideration (hence the dual titles above).  For background on what's going on, read my post from Monday. You might also want to read about the Writing Abundance system that this series is going to cover in depth.  You can do that here.  All of the posts will be readily available in the sidebar to the right, at least until I introduce it as an info product.

On Tuesday, I began the series with a post that talked about choosing paper and pen.  Whether to begin with tools or the first foundational practice of connecting is always a bit of a toss-up for me.  Generally in workshops I begin by talking about connecting.  However, each foundational practice includes exercises to play with, because, dahr, this is a writing program.  So it seemed logical to discuss the importance of finding paper and pens that you love.  But then again, maybe it's not, because nobody ever called me logical.  Crazy, yes.  Right-brained, yes.  (Often the two are confused.)  Now that we've gotten that settled, let's get going. Hands_prayer_praying_267345_l

The Importance of Connecting

The first foundational writing practice considers the importance of connecting.   I start out talking about connecting because I believe it is the single most important aspect of becoming a prolific and prosperous writer.

What do I mean when I talk about connecting?  It is actually a multi-faceted practice, and includes:

•    Connecting with the work
•    Connecting with other writers
•    Connecting with family and friends to gather their support
•    Connecting your work with the world

However, far and away the most important connection you will make is the one you cultivate with God…or the universe…or source…or creator…or a higher power…or the divine.  Call it whatever you want, establishing this connection around your writing is vital. 


To me, connecting with Source (which, for the sake of simplicity is the term I am going to use throughout) is one and the same with connecting with your higher self.  And your higher self is the source of all true and authentic writing.  In this way, connecting is about being open to receive, take what you get, transform it, and gift it back to the world.  This is really what writing is all about, no?

But we writers like to make things difficult for ourselves.  We struggle with our passions, fight with our muse; close down our connections so that the words won’t come.  It’s enough to send us fleeing from the page.  And then, instead of realizing that all we need to do is open up the connection again, we blame ourselves.  We tell ourselves we’re not good enough, not talented enough, don’t have the discipline to be writers, aren’t pretty or handsome enough (as if it mattered!).  We let that stupid, know-nothing critic come in and dominate the party.

The origin of story and voice is deep within and of course it comes directly from our connection to Source.  The thing is, in that connection to Source, you will find everything you need: truth, beauty, ideas, creativity, motivation, passion, you name it, and it will be there.    All you need to do is ask.  Really, what we are doing when we access our creativity is accessing our connection to Source.  In this way, writing is the most profound of spiritual acts.

And in these spiritual acts are the levels of awareness where stories rest.  They are also where voice and style are formed—they are your deepest essence, your true, higher self.  It is this voice that we want to draw forth and put on the page.  The goal is to show up at the page, get out of the way, and let Source guide you.  Connecting is centering, a way to get to know yourself—and Source—both of which are vital for writing with integrity and truth.

But how?

That is what we'll cover over the next few days.  So stay tuned.  And feel free to write about how you connect in the comments.

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