Never Let Me Go
I've been asked to write a promotional post about a new movie, which is just gaining wide release in theaters this week. It is called Never Let Me Go, and is a film based on the acclaimed novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The movie is directed by Mark Romanek and stars Keira Knightley, and Carey Mulligan. It is billed as a dsytopian future story, and is set at a seemingly idyllic English boarding school–but apparently there is more going on than meets the eye.
When the students leave the shelter of the school and the terrible truth of their fate is revealed to them, they must also confront the deep feelings of love, jealousy and betrayal that threaten to pull them apart. (I snitched that line from some of the promotional material in case you hadn't guessed.) Hint: I think it has something to do with clones being bred for their organs. It is also a romance. (I gleaned this info from the review here.)
I think it is interesting that much of the PR for this film revolves around the actual novel the film is based on, which seems a bit unusual to me. I like it, because without the initial writing, the film wouldn't exist. (This is one of my pet peeves, in both the film world and the publishing world. Writers are treated like the lowest life form, when in reality neither industry would survive without us.)
You can read more about the movie here. Also, Ishiguro is answering questions here.
And, here's the deal. As part of the promotion, the people behind the movie are handing out promotional T-shirts. If you are interested in winning one for your very own self, just leave a comment below before October 1st, which is the day I'll choose the lucky winner.
And go see the movie. It looks very cool. Or, since you are all reading types, why not check out the book? When you comment, let me know if you've read the book or seen the movie and also what you thought.
Christi Corbett
I love books/movies where there is more going on than first appears so I’ll put this one on my TBR list.
Oh, I’d love a t-shirt too :)
Christi Corbett