Distraction Pugs
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Why I’m Distracted Today

BusterSitting (Excuse the sideways photo, its how my phone sent it to my computer and as far as I can tell, Typepad doesn't let me rotate it.  Why, Typepad, why?) 

Anyway, meet Ally (the fawn) and Buster (the once-upon-a-time black one).  Ally is 7 and Buster is 13.  Poor old guy is pretty rickety but he is a love.  The two of them were raised together and given up by a family who didn't have time for them.  Yes, Buster is a bit high maintenance but I love him anyway.  It is so wonderful to have pugs and puggie sounds in the house again–Ally follows me everywhere and is currently snoring beside me.

0 thoughts on “Why I’m Distracted Today

  1. Belinda

    Just the kind of distraction we like! Since it’s been raining, I’m seeing fewer canine-types in my office building so I’m getting my fix looking at your sweeties.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    So glad to be of service! And my pugs are glad to help, too.

  3. Karen

    Awwwww, Charlotte !! Lucky you. Lucky doggies. XO

  4. Ledger D'Main

    Faces only a mother could love…;-)

  5. Roy

    They look great! :-)

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Karen, Ledger, and Roy, thanks! They are great, I’m so in love with them and it is reminding me how wonderful it is to have pugs in the house. Now, if only I could convince my kitties of this…

  7. […] #2: When you own the world's oldest pug, and his greatest joy in life is sitting next to you on the couch watching TV, you want to make him […]

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