Guest Post
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Self-Love For Writers

I've got a guest post this morning over at Sandi Amorim's blog.  It's on how authentic creativity is self-love.  Won't you check it out?  Here's the site: Deva Coaching.

And I've got one more thing for you.  Remember how I reviewed the Artist's Way Toolkit site?  Well, the site is offfering a free promo.  If you want to try the tools for a month, go ahead and register using BLOGHER as a promo code.  You will need to put in your credit card info, but it's only because that's the only way the registration works–there's no tricks, no continuation after the free month unless you want it.  Check it out.

But go read my guest post first.

UPDATE:  The Authenticity + Creativity class is next Tuesday night!  You can still register.  Check it out on this page.  (And thanks Heather for the reminder that I needed to post this today.)


0 thoughts on “Self-Love For Writers

  1. Heather Jenkins

    Oh my goodness…was the teleclass last night??? Ugh! I missed it! :(
    I REALLY wanted to attend it. I guess I lost track of time. Working 60-hour weeks will do that to a person.

    Will you offer it again for those of us who have half a brain?

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    No, its next week!  Next Tuesday, still time to sign up!  I better add that to the post!

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    No, its next week!  Next Tuesday, still time to sign up!  I better add that to the post!

  4. Heather Jenkins

    Oh…whew!!! Thank you!

  5. Melissa Marsh

    That was a terrific post, Charlotte! Left a comment over there…I hope to implant this reasoning – self-love equals doing the creative act – into my head!

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks for taking the time to go over there and comment, Melissa!

  7. David Paine

    Dynamite post! Thinking about what we are denying the world by not loving ourselves enough goes in all sorts of directions – beyond artistic output to all of human relations. Good stuff!

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, David.  The older I get the more I realize how much most of us let fear stop us and how that's really an act of self-destruction.

  9. Connie B. Dowell

    Interesting take on things in that post. I wouldn’t have thought about procrastinating on a creative work in that light. I suppose that, similarly, procrastination shows a lack of confidence.

    By the way, I did finally do a post inspired by our conversation about query writing and revision.

  10. Charlotte Dixon

    Yay!  I'm so glad you got that writing done, Connie.  And yes, I do believe that procrastination is linked to lack of confidence.  I know that when I procrastinate, I can often link it back to fear.

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