Winner of Birthday Giveaway Announced
And the winner of a $20 Amazon gift certificate is……
Carole Jane Treggett!
Carole Jane, email me your preferred email address and I'll get the certificate to you pronto.
By the way, I used this site to choose the name.

Charlotte Rains Dixon mentors creative writers from passionate to published. Charlotte is a free-lance journalist, ghostwriter, and author. She is Director Emeritus and a current mentor at the Writer's Loft, a certificate-writing program at Middle Tennessee State University. She earned her MFA in creative writing from Spalding University and is the author of a dozen books, including The Complete Guide to Writing Successful Fundraising Letters, and Beautiful America’s Oregon Coast. Her fiction has appeared in The Trunk, Santa Fe Writer’s Project, Nameless Grace, and Somerset Studios and her articles have been published in Vogue Knitting, the Oregonian, and Pology, to name a few. Her novel, Emma Jean’s Bad Behavior, was published in 2013, and she is represented by Erin Niumata at Folio Literary. Learn about her annual writing workshops in Europe at, and visit her blog at, where you can find all kinds of tips and techniques on writing and creativity.
Carole Jane Treggett
Thanks so very much, Charlotte; I’m pleased as punch! Now what to buy…my ‘wish list’ is a mile long LOL.
Charlotte Dixon
I'm so happy for you, Carole Jane, thanks for being a loyal blog reader and great cyber-friend!
I have to take some aspirin. I am a sore loser.
Charlotte Dixon
I'm sorry, J.D. You won one of my contests once, however, so there's that!
Fear of Writing
Charlotte, great contest! Carole, congrats on winning!
I can relate to having a wish list that’s a mile long . . . but what a great problem to have with a gift certificate burning in your hand. :~)
Charlotte Dixon
Agreed! I have a ton of books on my wish list.
Patrick Ross
Congratulations to Carole Jane. I think we should all revisit her winning comment/wish: “In my heart of hearts,I’m wishing for a more peaceful life and the wisdom and strength to do what I can to achieve it,and a real breakthrough wind of positive and stable change,especially in regards to circumstances I’ve been going through for a very long time that are beyond my control and then dealing with all the stressful consequences afterwards. I have so many great creative goals I want to accomplish, and I’m longing to have more energy to devote towards getting them realized.”
I did. I received a great prize, a copy of The Artist’s Way. Carole Jane can win once I suppose.
Carole Jane Treggett
lol. Hey J.D. Wow, you won The Artist’s Way? Now I’m the one who needs an aspirin hehe. I’ve taken it out from the public library several times but don’t actually have my own copy. Hmm…but I did just win a gift certificate from Amazon…hmm…:D
Carole Jane Treggett
Aww, I have tears in my eyes now! Thanks for the congrats. I take this as a good sign of wonderful things to come for all of us in our creative careers. Glad to hear about your reunion with your muse too, Patrick!
Thanks again, Charlotte, for all the great support you provide here. Happy writing, all :)
Charlotte Dixon
Agreed. Beautiful sentiment.
Charlotte Dixon
There will be more contests in the future, and I never exclude anyone, even former prize winners, so stay tuned!
Charlotte Dixon
So many books, so many choices, Carole Jane! But the Artist's Way certainly is a worthy selection.
Congratulations Carole Jane Treggett!
Charlotte Dixon
Thanks, Don.