Help a Fellow Writer in Need–Book Bomb Today
David Farland is the author of over 50 novels and also a writing teacher to some big names, such as Stephenie Meyer, the author, of course, of the Twilight series and The Host.
His son, Ben Wolverton, was seriously injured recently and is in the hospital in a coma. Here's the family's description of his condition:
Ben Wolverton, age 16, was in a tragic long-boarding accident on
Wednesday the 4th, 2013. He suffers from severe brain trauma, a cracked
skull, broken pelvis and tail bone, burnt knees, bruised lungs, broken
ear drums, road rash, pneumonia, and is currently in a coma. His family
has no insurance.
Note that last line: no insurance. This is going to be a very expensive medical journey for them.
But you can help. How? Today the family is hosting a Book Bomb. A Book Bomb is when all books sold on a specific day go to help a specific cause, in this case, Ben's care.
Go here to find out more details on the Book Bomb. You can buy Farland's fantasy novel, Nightingale, or his book on writing called Million Dollar Outlines, which is what I'm going to buy.
If you want to flat-out donate to this worthy effort, go here.
For information on Ben's condition and his recovery, go here.
Let's all help a fellow writer out!
Christi Corbett
Thank you for pointing out this worthy cause. I’m on my way now to buy the outline book!
Christi Corbett