Guest Post
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Why Connection is Important to Writers and Others

Hand_hands_shake_238808_lSo it turns out that connection is way more crazy important than we might have thought.

This probably doesn't come as a huge surprise to writers.  After all, communication is inherent in connection, and we're all about communication.

It's why we blog.

It's why we write novels.

It's why we read the writing of others.

Connection turns out to be a powerful theme in my novel, Emma Jean's Bad Behavior, and it is also the topic of a guest post that I have over at Pomogolightly, Beverly Army Williams' blog today.    Hop on over there and give it a read!

Photo by pixelstar.

0 thoughts on “Why Connection is Important to Writers and Others

  1. Zan Marie

    Ah, connection! Something I’ve been lacking lately due to house renovation. When your kitchen is torn down to studs in places and your cooking in the microwave in the dinning room…need I say more? ; )

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    I went through that a few years ago, Zan Marie, and it was awful–we tore the kitchen down to the studs and I cooked on a hot plate in the dining room for months.  Not quite sure how I got through it!  Hope the job gets finished soon.

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