Charlotte Rains Dixon  

How Are You Doing on 2013 Goals?

Marquette_Sugarloaf_beautiful_249786_lI'm working on a post for Thursday that will appear here and go out in my newsletter as well.  It's about the advent of autumn and ways to jumpstart your creativity and writing for the remaining months of the year.

As I wrote, I realized something:  we've got a little more than three months until 2014.  101 days (I asked the Google).

So let me ask you this: how are your writing
goals for 2013 coming along?  What would you like to accomplish the rest
of this year?

I'm a gentle, supportive, type of writing coach and teacher (just ask the participants at our French retreat, who referred to my biz partner Debbie as the "bad cop" and me as the "good cop") so I don't usually rag people about goals.  But counting down the days to a new year seems like a good excuse to look at what you wanted to accomplish this year.

Taking a look at my own year, I've had two huge highlights: the publication of my novel, and the success of the retreat in France.  I've also had two fantastic ghostwriting jobs and enjoyed working with a ton of writers and their manuscripts. But, and this is a big but, I'm not as far along on writing my next novel as I'd like to be.

So, here's my goal for the rest of this year:

To finish a draft of the novel, which just yesterday I titled Lost Causes

Now that I've announced it publicly, I expect y'all to hold me to it.

And, perhaps you would like to share what exciting things have happened to you so far as well as what you want to finish in the time you have left this year?  I'd love to hear about it–leave a comment.

(And come back on Thursday for the blog post on 10 Ways to Welcome Autumn and Awaken Your Creativity.)

Photo by Marquette 3.

0 thoughts on “How Are You Doing on 2013 Goals?

  1. Zan Marie

    Yep, I’ll hold you to it, Charlotte. ;-)
    I have done well. I’m much closer to completing FF’s MS. Everyday, I fill in another hole and stitch one more scene to another is a victory. If I don’t finish by the end of the year, I have until March and the 6th anniversary of the idea of FF.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh please do hold me to it, Zan Marie!  And congratulations on your progress!  Wow, the end is in sight!

  3. Casey

    I want to have my Nashville WIP finished and ready to send out by my birthday this year (Dec 29) :)

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    I will hold you to it!

    Sent from my iPhone

  5. J.D.

    My goal is to get something published this year. I finished a short story in August, but I’d like a hit on my novel. To that end, I put a portion of the manuscript in the mail to you yesterday. I hope, with your advice, to put a little sparkle on it.

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    You know I am thrilled to help you reach your goal, J.D,!

    Sent from my iPad

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