Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #4
Here is this week's collection of prompts from my Tumblr blog. Enjoy and I hope they help you write long and well.
#25 "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." Wordsworth.
Sometimes we don't know the breathings of our heart. Write yours down, now.
#26 She always dreaded parties, and this one was no different. She had to go, no doubt about it, because it was for her boss. Once she got there, she sat in a corner, until…..
#27 Never a dull moment, especially when…
#28 There’s never enough.
Some people spend their entire lives thinking there’s not enough—not enough time, not enough money, not enough love. What do you (or your character) consistently feel a lack of in your life and why?
#29 She looked at her to-do list and found it overwhelming. There was just too much to do! So instead, she did what she had been wanting to do for a long time, which was…..
#30 "No pain, no gain," she said, flopping on the mat.
"Oh that old saying is so outdated," said her friend, who stood beside the mat lifting free weights.
"No, it’s not."
"Yes, it is."
Write a scene featuring two people arguing about a popular saying or trend. Make the background setting interesting, so it is not just two talking heads.
#31 If you could change one thing in your life—just one thing—what would it be?
Write this out for yourself and for your main character as well.
Happy writing. If good stuff comes from these prompts, come back here and tell us about it!
I’m all over #31.
Zan Marie
Number 25!!!!! Ooooh! That one just cries out to be done…after my MIL’s birthday party. ;-)
Charlotte Dixon
Ha! Let us know how it works out.