Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #17

Here is the latest collection of prompts from my Tumblr page.  For reasons known only in the deep recesses of my subconscious this time around we focus on days of the week. Weird, I know.  Go figure.

#117  Sunday.  A day to attend church for many people, a day of rest for others. Some have regular family suppers, others devote the day to reading the Sunday Times.  What do you do?  Your character?

#118  Arrggh, its Monday.  How does your main character feel on this day? Does he or she love getting up and going back to work?  Or maybe she worked all weekend so this day feels no different than any other?  Or does he hate going back to the grind of the workweek?  

#119  "I love Tuesdays," she said.

"And why might that be?"

"Because they aren’t Mondays but still have a feeling of freshness to them."

What’s your favorite day of the week and why?

#120  Wednesday, Hump Day.  Does your character work at a job that make the week drag?  Or does she do something she loves so much the days fly by?

#121  Oh, Thursday! It’s a very purply kind of day, rich in expectation and promise for the weekend to come.  Good things happen on Thursdays, like Thanksgiving.  What’s your take on it?

#122 "Yay, it’s Friday," she said.

"I hate Fridays."

"How could you hate Fridays?"

"Easy.  It’s because, several years ago…."

#123  Saturday! I once knew an adult man who slept until noon every Saturday. What time does your protagonist rise on the weekends?  What about during the week? How does he or she sleep?  Is he a sound sleeper or an insomniac?  A night owl or a morning person?

 Leave a comment, please, because I love hearing from you.  What's your favorite day of the week?  I'll start.  Mine is Friday.  Why?  Because it is a work day (and I love my work) but it is sort of a slacker work day, when we don't have to take it all quite so seriously.  And there's the promise of the weekend to come!



0 thoughts on “Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #17

  1. J.D.

    I can sleep ’til noon–if I go to bed at dawn. Sundays, I think about going to church. Sometimes I actually do it. Charlotte, these prompts don’t require starting a whole new work. If you have something going, every character has his or her unique approach to days of the week. Even Hamlet had one.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    J.D., thanks for that comment.  I agree–I find prompts to be helpful with a WIP as well as other work.  You can get deep insights into your characters by following what might appear to be random prompts.  And I go to church on Sundays, too, but not this Sunday.  Last night I went to see Fleetwood Mac and I was up past my bedtime.  Worth it, though, the show was amazing.

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    Dona, I actually like Mondays, too.  And I remember when I was a kid hating Sundays because in those days nothing was open.  Hard to believe now, but stores and everything else were closed and I always had this sense that everybody was locked away behind closed doors and there was nothing going on!  I'm like you, I need variety.  I can't do a 9 to 5 routine during the week.

  4. Zan Marie

    And day that ends in D-A-Y can be bad…if the words are reluctant. ;-) I think I could write all of these.

  5. Charlotte Dixon


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