Five Things on Friday
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Five Things on Friday: July 17, 2015

Ngfood_ngobj_food_228316_lIt's another Five Things on Friday post.  Admit it, you woke up this morning just dying to hop on over here and read the latest one.  Well, here it is.

What I'm Reading:  Still working on a couple of books from last week, including Leaving Time. Don't tell them, but its due today at the library and its going to be late.  I would say it is pretty good, but I'm skimming a bit here and there in order to get through it.  I've been doing that with books more and more lately.  The impatience of old age (see below).  I'm also still working on Alexandra Fuller's  Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness and I still haven't forgiven her for not having a website.   The lack of forward motion in that one has slowed me down.  I am, however, reading her most recent one, Leaving Before the Rains Come, which came in at the library and liking it better.  Because there's conflict aplenty, as in money trouble and divorce, and we all know that lots of conflict makes for great reading.

I'm also reading Stones of Consciousness, for research purposes, and Radical Acceptance, by Tara Brach.  Yeah, I've got a million books going at once.  I see a book I want to read and put a hold on it at the library and then all the holds come in at once.  Haven't quite figured out how to get the flow working better.

What I'm Thinking About: My novel, The Bonne Chance Bakery, which is currently being considered by a list of 20 excellent publishers.  Think good thoughts!  And I'm pondering my next novel.  I finally, as of yesterday, figured out a loose outline of the first segment.  I've been writing and writing, wondering how it would all come together.  More like praying it would all come together.  This is a testament to the idea that you should just keep writing, because it does work eventually.

What I'm Watching: I bet you're expecting me to wax poetic about some golden age of television show.  Ha! Not a chance.  I'm currently totally into American Ninja Warrior and America's Got Talent.  Summer nights, I need something light and frothy.  I also have the Woody Allen movie Vicky Christina Barcelona in the queue because we will be in Barcelona in September for a few days.

What I'm Complaining About:  Well, nothing at the moment.  It's summer.  Life is good.  Okay, maybe I'll bitch about the fact that my son's dog, who is here for the day, barks at EVERYTHING OUTSIDE THAT MOVES. And maybe some things that don't.  This is a dog who barks at jet contrails, after all.

What I'm Celebrating:  My birthday.  It's today.  I'm old.  And I love it.  As I always say, the alternative, being 6 feet under, is worse.  I take issue with all those people who say aging is awful. Yeah, the body has its issues, but the mind and emotions are better than ever.   I intend to live to be 100 and love almost every minute of it.

 That's it.  That's all I've got.  What's going on with you this Friday?

Photo by ngould.

0 thoughts on “Five Things on Friday: July 17, 2015

  1. J.D.

    Happy Birthday! That’s great. I’m glad those publishers are looking at Bonne Chance. And your son’s dog–don’t sweat it. He’s watch dog. Don’t expect him to go out and card everyone before he barks. He’s only doing it because he loves you. Like all of us who come here. Many happy returns.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Aw, thanks, J.D.  It's been a great birthday, crazy dog notwithstanding!  

  3. Dyoung

    I love this. I hope your birthday was marvelous!

    Oh- I wonder if your sons dog is related to mine?! :)

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Is your dog a beagle or part beagle?  My son's dog is a puggle, part pug and part beagle.  But I think its the beagle that makes him bark so much.

  5. Charlotte Dixon

    And I had a great birthday, thank you!!!

    On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Charlotte Rains Dixon <> wrote:

    Is your dog a beagle or part beagle?  My son's dog is a puggle, part pug and part beagle.  But I think its the beagle that makes him bark so much.

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