Five on Friday: Friday the 13th Edition
Happy Friday the 13th! I’m of the opinion that this day is lucky, not cursed, so let’s celebrate it, shall we? Here’s

what’s going on with me this week. I’d love to hear what’s up with you if you feel so inclined to comment.
What I’m Happy About: How my detox is going. Though I do tend to have a low-grade headache most days and also have moments of feeling crummy, as my doctor puts it, mostly I feel less sludgy, and less ploddy. The other day, my brain, in quite a grandiose fashion, was stuck on the song Wake Me Up in relation to how much better I’ve been feeling. (That would be because of the song’s refrain, “I didn’t know I was lost.”) If you’re not familiar with it, scroll down, I’ve helpfully provided the video. (Though you’ll have to ignore the chatter of the Brit disc jockey at the beginning.)
What I’m Watching: Wallender, on PBS Masterpiece Mystery. Apparently this is the last season, which just means there’s lots of great shows for us to catch up on. The show stars Kenneth Branagh, and he is amazing. Last week’s episode was set in South Africa. With one brief look, Branagh, as Wallender, can show shock and dismay at the disparity between poverty and wealth in that country. I’m looking forward to watching more of this series.
What I’m Reading: Okay, this should actually be what I’ve read, because I’m in a bit of a dry spot which I hope will be soothed by a visit to the Cannon Beach Book Company tomorrow. Anyway, I recently finished Be Frank With Me, which features an unforgettable main character, Frank, who is all of ten years old. There were many things I enjoyed about this novel, and some things I felt didn’t work well. (Spoiler alert for those coming to the France workshop: we are considering choosing this book for your assigned reading.)
What I’m Working On: Figuring out the next novel. I’m doing more prep work this time, because last time around I jumped right in without knowing much and the resulting draft was sort of disastrous. (It is still sitting on my computer, awaiting my attention, which I’ve not had the fortitude to do yet.) Also, a new website for Let’s Go Write!
What I’m Offering: Guys, there’s one, maybe two spots left for the France workshop. And several spaces for my Mapping the Novel class this June at Sitka on the Oregon coast. Come join me for one or the other!
Before you watch the video, please do share what is going on with you.
Happy Friday the 13th to you! Yes, good things have happened to us both on the 13th so it’s going to be a great day!
We’re watching Wallender, too – can’t believe we’ve missed this before so will be looking for a good way to catch up with all the seasons.
Have a great weekend in Cannon Beach!
Charlotte Rains dixon
Thanks, Nancy! Believe it or not, I did not take my computer (there’s no wi-fi there anyway) so I’m just now catching up on things!
I love that song by Avicii. I’m not a big fan of the lyrics because I don’t like dismissing time. But I can understand. Bypassing the teen years is not a bad idea for many–maybe yours truly. I’ve enjoyed to a thousand songs without knowing what they said. Sometimes I fill in lyrics to suit me in the same way I proof read my writing. I have playlists and that song has to be in any of the lists I consider my favorites.
Tim Bergland, the real name behind Avicii, announced his retirement in March of this year. That’s the info I found. Imagine retiring at the age of 26. I’ve met people on cruise ships who only cruise. I have to say, even that would get old. There are things I want to do, people I want to talk to with. I suppose writing can be done with anonymity in retirement. That’s not what I want. I’m sure he will find something else. I can’t imagine signing off at 26.
I’ve never been to Tim’s home country, Sweden. I was born with ankles that look perfectly normal but turn in when my feet are fitted with skates or skis. I’ve taken it as a gift from God, a directive to always go to the beach.
Charlotte Rains dixon
I can’t imagine retiring at 26, either. There was another guy in the music world who hit it big and decided he hated all the crap that came along with that position–and retired early as well. I think he just loved making music and continued to do that. I cannot pull his name into my head at the moment.
I would love to go to Sweden, maybe because I’m half Danish. I grew up taking skating lessons and actually lived as a ski bum in Sun Valley one winter, but neither really took into adulthood and now I prefer the beach.
Great post!. Went last night to one of your homes away from home–Nashville. Ate at Demo’s instead of Chuy’s. Was there catching some Simon (Paul) at the Ryman. Tow historic icons, one a person and one a place, crossing in the night.
Charlotte Rains dixon
Oh damn, you got to go to the Ryman! I love that place. I saw the Opry there once (every so often they still perform there). What an experience. And Paul Simon–amazing. I’ve eaten at Demo’s, too!