Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Otherwhere: May 2nd

Can you believe it is May already? I can’t.  But, to celebrate, here are some links for your reading pleasure.

What does high concept mean?

How to write suspenseful fiction. (Hint: reveal answers slowly.)

Identifying genre.

Is there such a thing as too much conflict?

Negotiating your book contract. (You might also turn to my biz partner, attorney Debbie Guyol, if you need help.  Contact me for her info.)

Promoting your book.

And, here are some links for  topics not specifically related to writing:

Scotland porn. Look at the photos and imagine yourself there.

Why so many smart people aren’t happy.

In case the above applies to you, 10 things proven to make you happy.

And, because it is now May, here is a video of a traditional Maypole dance for you. (At my elementary school, the eighth grade girls did this every year, wearing pastel-colored skirts we made in home ec.)

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