A Brief Hiatus

Sometimes you just have to take a step back.
I’m a big believer in honoring one’s own creative process, whatever it might be and however it works. (You’ve probably noticed that if you’ve read much on this blog.) And one of the things I’ve realized about my own process is that sometimes I just need to take a break to let things gestate.
This is one of those times.
I’ve been writing this blog for ten years now. I’ve written about every aspect of writing and writing inspiration and motivation, as well as the writing life. And lately, it is getting harder and harder for me to think of anything to write about on those topics. It’s like there’s a big blank wall in my brain when I try to come up with something.

And so I think I need to take a break for composting–which is what I call what my brain does when it is pondering and breaking down many ideas. I’m making this intentional instead of just kind of wandering away, as so often happens in my life to other people. (You’ve probably noticed the frequency of my posts has gotten sparser.)
I’ll be back at the beginning of October, maybe sooner if I get inspired while I’m in France. I just want to have space to think without the voice in my head constantly saying, you should write a blog post. And I have some ideas. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to suddenly start writing about knitting. Or fixing up cars. Or keeping aquariums.)
I will continue to write, send to my list, and post here on Sundays, my weekly love letters. If you want to have them come right into your inbox, sign up in the form to the right.
AND: I’ll be talking about writing over on the Facebook group. Click here, ask to join, and I’ll approve you. For those doubters out there, let me just say I am not a fan of participating on Facebook on my main feed. It is just overwhelming to me. But groups are different. Groups are where like-minded people come together to discuss one topic. There’s no what color is your ego? quiz or posts about the glories of someone’s vacation (unless it bears on writing). So do come join me there.
I understand what you are saying — I have always been amazed by the consistency and originality of your regular posts here. But I will miss this blog and look forward to your being back before too long. And I say this as someone who has the great good fortune of seeing you regularly in person, and who will be spending three weeks in France with you this September. You are always such an inspiration — and you know how much I need that!
So compost away — and we will welcome you back sprouting all kinds of new ideas in October.
Charlotte Rains Dixon
Aw, thank you Jenni! I’m glad you think the posts have been original, because I was worried they were getting stale. As I said, I will post the weekly love letter here. And I have to tell you, I’m already starting to get ideas and enthusiasm back. It is amazing what allowing oneself to take a break can do!