Love letters
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

What to Do When You’re Fresh Out of Ideas (A Love Letter)

The summer doldrums are here—and I’ve been fresh out of ideas. For anything. I haven’t posted on this blog, besides putting these newsletters up, in a couple of weeks. I was going great guns on Medium, posting a lot, and then I suddenly stopped.  I couldn’t think of anything to say in either place. And let’s not even mention the word fiction, okay?

This happens sometimes. You may have the will to write, as well as the time and the energy, but no ideas. And with no ideas, the will to write withers away.  I also think that this happens a lot for new writers. I remember wanting to write so badly, but not having the first clue what to write. So, in case you are in the same situation, and for my own sake as well as yours, I’ve assembled some ideas about how to come up with ideas in this newsletter.

Technique for Producing an Idea. There’s a classic old book written by an advertising guy back in the golden age of advertising, called, Technique for Producing Ideas. I read this book in journalism school and often follow its precepts. The basic one being: fill your brain up with every single bit of information on your topic, then set it aside. Go weed the garden or play with your kids or take your dog for a walk (see below). Just forget about it. And after a while, the idea you need will pop into your head! The book is still available and it is only $1.99 in Kindle. A quick read, really worth it.

Prompts. This is the tried and true way. Get yourself a prompt (there’s tons all over the internet or you can buy my prompt book) and write. The best way to use prompts is to choose one (without wasting a lot of time obsessing over which one), set a timer, and write for 15-20 minutes, without stopping. And I mean without stopping, people.

Make lists. For some reason, making lists is a great brain jogger. List ten things you did yesterday, ten people that interest you (famous ones, friends, family members, doesn’t matter), ten locations that intrigue you, and so on. List anything you can think of and then put the list in your writer’s notebook so you can refer to it any time and use items from the list as prompts.

Brainstorm. James Altucher, who is one of those people that is all over the internet but I’m not sure who he is, says to write down ten ideas every day. It is not bad advice.  Similar to list-making, just write down ten ideas about anything. You never know which one will develop into something.

Go for a walk. Something about walking jogs loose ideas for me. It is helpful to walk mindfully and engage your five senses to observe your surroundings. Take a notepad or your phone so you can make notes.

Go for a drive. I love driving, and it also often inspires new ideas to flood in. Again, be mindful. I find these days that I love the quiet when I’m driving, which would have been unthinkable a few years ago—I always had the radio or music on. But now I like the silence and time to think.

Quit worrying about it.  Yes, we live in a fast-paced world where you’re only as good as the most recent thing you wrote, but it is also okay to take a break. I was on the phone with one of my favorite clients yesterday and she shared how at the moment, she’s just letting things to do with her business go. She’s got a lot of distractions (good ones) in her life and so she’s just not worrying about things. I believe sometimes our brains need a break. And if we give them one, they will reward us with tons of new ideas.

Those are some ideas that might help if you, like me, are experiencing the summer doldrums.  How do you come up with new ideas? Leave a comment!

0 thoughts on “What to Do When You’re Fresh Out of Ideas (A Love Letter)

  1. Derek Ayre

    Motivating post… :-) I love the idea of lists, and it prompts me to do word-association, that can lead to mind-mapping – sort of make it fun.. I like the Zen saying, all the greatest journeys began with a single step. The writer’s saying could be. All the greatest writing writing began with a single word.

    1. Charlotte Rains Dixon

      Yay, it is so great that you were able to comment! And I’m glad it was motivating for you.

  2. Derek

    I would like to share that I have been stuck for not writing for months until about a month ago that is. But I have been journaling and writing emails etc – I guess you can call that writing! When I was in a writing group, I wrote about not being able to write and it turned out to be amusing when read aloud. I laughed at myself and I like to think that everyone else laughed with me and not at me! It was about my cunning mind wanting to do all the chores around the house I disliked the most, the moment I sat down at my desk.

    I think perhaps people laugh at what is revealed in a story/joke about things they would prefer not to admit.. Anyway, I have started again now and am enjoying it. My aim is to get 2-3 blog posts a week and visit other blogs and leave meaningful comments. I dare not say that is a commitment, because I want to continue enjoying my writing energy.. Commitment seems to be too absolute, because I have been raised to do whatever it is, if I use the words.. So lets say I am inspired… so thank you for this inspiration.. ?

    1. Charlotte Rains Dixon

      Commitment makes a huge difference. It is often the difference between getting something done or not. When you are committed to doing it, you do it. Period.

    2. Charlotte Rains Dixon

      Humor is often a great antidote for procrastination!

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