A Love Letter About Being Busy and Flash Sales

As you read this, I’ll be on a plane home from Louisville, Kentucky, returning from a Homecoming celebration at my MFA alma mater, Spalding University.
But I’m writing this several days in advance, the Tuesday after Memorial Day to be exact, because, duh, I won’t have time while I’m gone. Meanwhile, I’ve managed to catch a cold and I still have mounds of work to do.
And that’s my whine for the day. Signing off. No, kidding. I’m still here.
Anyway, as I mentioned, I’m plowing through a to-do list a mile long. Okay, maybe half a mile. And my brain doesn’t seem to have a lot of extra room at the moment. Like, say, for writing a newsletter.
But it did have room for a brilliant idea to come through! Instead of writing a love letter I’m going to offer a flash sale. I actually thought about doing it over the Memorial Day weekend, when everybody else was, but I didn’t get around to it.
So here you go: flash sale on coaching. Yes, you heard that right.
I’m offering a 25% off my three-month, 12-session coaching plans. I hate talking about money in a public forum, but let’s just say it’ll run you a bit under 1K. And be worth every penny. Because if you’re struggling to write, or unsure where your novel or memoir is going, or don’t know a thing about writing, one-on-one coaching is a wonderful investment.
If you’re interested, all you have to do is email me at charlotte@charlottrainsdixon.com and we will figure out a time to talk.
And, for the record, I do hate it when people natter on about how busy they are, so I apologize. Part of the problem is that I’ve been so absorbed in plans for Louisville, and the workshop I’m teaching the weekend after, that I’ve not had much time to write. And that puts me off my feed, so to speak.
I would cheerily say we’d be back to normal next week, but that might not be true. Because I’m out of town again! (This time to teach my three-day novel-writing workshop at Sitka.) I’m sure we’ll all cope somehow.