Charlotte Rains Dixon  

7 Reasons to Write While on Vacation (and 3 Reasons Not To)

I’m a firm believer in writing every day, even if it is just jotting down a few notes or writing a journal entry. Writing regularly has so many benefits to your writing career, including:

–keeping the writing muscle strong

–keeping the momentum going (more on that below)

–staying on track with a project such as a novel or memoir

–aiding in writing fluidity–the more you write, the easier it is

–improving your writing–the more you write the better you get

I could go on. But I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of life events leading you away from your writing. When you return, it feels awkward. You’re not sure what to write. The words won’t flow. You wonder why you ever wanted to do something that is so, so hard.

One major life event we all experience (hopefully regularly) is a vacation. And I’m here to encourage you to keep writing when you go on vacation in order to prevent the writing angst when you return.  You can make actual progress on a long project, write notes about it, or simply write in your journal. But I honestly think you’ll be a happier writer if you make an effort to throw at least a few words on the page. Because a working writer is a happy writer.  And writing while on vacation has more benefits as well:

Why You Should Keep Up The Writing

–It will help you with the afore-mentioned momentum, which is a delicate, fragile, thing, easily broken.  When you have momentum, you arrive at your computer every morning knowing what you’re going to write next and the words just come. It is a glorious thing, not to be tampered with.

–You can (and should) note all the new and wonderful things you are hopefully observing and enjoying.

–If you’re like me, writing makes you happy. And you want to be happy on your vacation!

–It will be so, so much easier to get back to that book when you get home. It is not only that the writing will be easier when you return, but just dragging your ass to open the computer will be easier.  (If you’ve had a long break, you know how hard it is to get started again.)

–On vacation, your brain will be roiling with fresh, new ideas. Capture them!

–It will help you remember and process the fun you had.  I remember and process things through writing, period. If I need to remember something, I write it down, even if I never refer to it again. If I’m in a class, I take notes, or else my mind wanders. Keep it focused.

–All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy.

Okay, and in the interest of fairness, here’s a few reasons why you shouldn’t write on vacation.

Why You Shouldn’t Keep Up The Writing

–Because all work and no play also makes Jack a dull boy.

–Because you don’t wanna, and you’re on vacation, damnit.

–Because sometimes it is good to give your story brain a break, for God’s sake.

Which side do you fall down on? Are you going to try to keep writing this summer on vacation? Leave a comment!

And, for my money, the best kind of vacation combines writing and fun. Right? That’s why I love teaching in France every year.


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