Book Review
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Book Review: Travels in Elysium

Travels In Elysium

by William Azuski

I was asked to review this book and I readily accepted because, well, there's nothing I like better than receiving random books in the mail and diving into them.  Here's the blurb the publisher and blog tour folks asked me to include:

Literary fiction blends with Plato’s tale of Atlantis is
this metaphysical mystery that takes place on an archaeological dig on the
island of Santorini. Travels in Elysium is written in an allegory style. If you
would like to read an an online excerpt – we have one posted
. For more
information or to get your own copy, visit the author's Amazon page. (Not an affiliate link.)

That starts to give you an idea about the book.  Here's a bit more: When archaeology student and world traveler Nicholas Pedrosa is given the chance of a lifetime to work with renowned archaeologist Marcus Huxley he discovers much more than he bargained for.  Set on the Greek island of Santorini, the book spans genres, including mystery, history and fantasy.

An island that blew apart with the force of 100,000 atomic bombs… A civilisation prised out of the ash, its exquisite frescoes bearing a haunting resemblance to Plato’s lost island paradise, Atlantis… An archaeologist on a collision course with a brutal police state… A death that may have been murder… A string of inexplicable events entwining past and present with bewildering intensity… Can this ancient conundrum be understood before it engulfs them all?

That is the question that our hero faces, and in answering it, he uncovers some long-held historical secrets, including the solution to the mystery of Atlantis.  

Info about the author:

William Azuski was born in the United Kingdom, and is of British and Yugoslav descent. Travelling widely through the Mediterranean since childhood, his frequent sojourns in Greece included several months on Santorini in the 1970s, an experience that provided firsthand experience for this exceptional novel’s local setting. Writing as William Miles Johnson, Azuski is also author of the critically-acclaimed The Rose-Tinted Menagerie, an Observer Book of the Year (nonfiction), and Making a Killing, an end of the world satire, both titles recently republished by Iridescent.

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0 thoughts on “Book Review: Travels in Elysium

  1. Nikki Leigh

    Thank you for sharing the parts that stood out for you Charlotte. I enjoy reading and writing books that cover various genres — keeps the reader and writer on their toes :)


  2. Charlotte Dixon

    I agree!  Also, I recently read a book by an agent (whose name has slipped my mind) that said genre-spanning books are becoming the most popular.  This is a great example of that.

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