Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Contact Me!

I love hearing from my readers.  Feel free to stay in touch with me in any of the following ways:

Comments.  Don’t be shy, I love getting comments on my blog.  Blogging is all about a conversation, so join ours.

Email. Write me at charlotte@charlotterainsdixon.com.  I get a lot of email, so put something that will identify your request in the subject line, please.  All caps in the subject line will get my attention also.


0 thoughts on “Contact Me!

  1. Frank Anderson

    Hey Charlotte,

    I love the blog and was wondering if you were looking for contributing authors? I know you get a ton of emails, so I’ll get right down to it and pitch some ideas for articles I’d like to write for the site:

    E-mbracing E-books: Homeschooling Finds Digital Literature Useful
    Book reviews – “violated online”

    If any of those sound interesting to you let me know and I’ll starting writing it.

    -Frank Anderson
    reliable. scalable. secure.

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, River, I miss you! I’ll be back in Nash in September, let’s get together. And thanks for featuring me on your show, I love it!

  3. River Jordan

    Hello Friend,

    Yes, I ‘d love to know what you are reading. I currently in The Cloud of Unknowing so right up my alley. And – when are you coming back to Nashville?
    Love this post and am using it (with all due credit of course) for Clearstory show next week!


  4. Karen Phillips

    I am in love with your website! Can’t stop reading it.


  5. Charlotte Dixon

    Karen, thank you!I’m working on making it easier to navigate some of the older posts. In the meantime, you can hit the archive links on the lower right. And thank you so much for coming by–I know you’ve got your wonderful novel to work on!

  6. Donna Mann

    For some odd reason (I’m guessing my computer is dying of old age) I could not comment on a post I “borrowed” from you, for my blog. I just wanted you to know I had done so, with credit given, and a link to your blog. I have enjoyed your blog and am still going through the archives! Thank you so much for your inspiration and assistance!

  7. Charlotte Dixon

    Sometimes the comments on Typepad get wonky. This seems to be the page where people come when that happens! Thanks for letting me know.

  8. schar

    Hello Charlotte..
    I have ten years teaching experience and now am a mother two beautiful children.I would like to earn from home working online.Can you help me .

  9. Ramon Elliot

    You know how important it is to be visible. You know you need to use the internet better. But you also need to take care of your business. You can’t do both. Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you. Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend. Email us and we’ll get started.

  10. Stella Fair

    It’s a fact: more people find out about your business on Facebook or Twitter than on search engines. Making these sites work maybe tricky for you, but it’s business as usual for us. Let us improve your visibility and enhance your image. It’s part of our complete Internet Marketing package. We’ll be more than your friends — we’ll be your partners.

  11. Tamela

    Hey there!

    I gave your name out to two of my friends who are writers – we met briefly at the Women’s Expo, would like to touch base in person either on the phone or via Facebook chat or something where I can see your face if possible :) I am building my network and think I have many writers that could use your help..home with a broken leg until 6/1 so I am doing as much as possible from home right now…hoping to hear back from you!!!

  12. Mary

    Howdy Charlotte! I’m now having the chance to peruse your site, read blogs, & “bookmark” various things I’d really like to look into & chat with you further about. I’m so glad we met this week on twitter & I’m sure we’ll be chatting on a regular basis…PLUS, we’ll have some fun!

  13. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you so much, Mary! It is so good to see you here and I look forward to continuing conversation on Twitter! 

  14. Donna Gabriel

    We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.

  15. Donna Gabriel

    We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.

  16. Ivan Ballard

    We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.

  17. Charles Gooden

    I have a book in ready form for a ghost writer to help complete. Its my story /inspirational novel to my kids about life. Please contact via email

  18. Ivan Ballard

    We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.

  19. Donna Michel

    I just used one of your prompts to start my morning writing and easily went over the 500 word mark. The prompt was: the best way to start over. It had nothing to do about starting over, but it was about one of my favorite characters in my WIP.

    Thanks for the post!

  20. Charlotte Dixon

    So happy the prompt worked for you, Donna! It often amazed me how those little buggers get me going.

  21. Donna Michel

    I see you have a new format on this site, but where or where have the prompts gone?

  22. Charlotte Dixon

    I had to get a new format for the blog for Google's mobile requirements.  The prompts are on hiatus.  But I write a prompt a day (and there are already nearly 300 of them collected, here: http://inventivewritingprompts.tumblr.com/. Those are fresher than the ones I had here.  I'm still figuring out the new design, and need to find a place to list things like that.

  23. Donna Michel

    Charlotte, I’m thrilled about the January writing retreat, but didn’t see the cost, or did I miss it?


  24. Charlotte Dixon

    It's $399 before Oct. 31.  I hope you can come! And here's a link to sign up: http://roomtowrite2016.eventbrite.com.  

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