Category: Uncategorized



I have a kick-ass post on letting go and how difficult and necessary it is.  But you'll note I'm not posted it today. That's because I'm participating in the Stop SOPA strike. I'm not technically advanced enough to figure out how to black out my site, but this way you get the benefit of learning […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

He’s Here!

So sorry to have left you all hanging on Wednesday after my last post about my daughter being in labor, but having a baby is serious business that takes the intense concentration of many people,  (most notably the Mom) and there hasn't been time to write until now. My beautiful grandson, Henry Rains Hopman, arrived […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Contact Me!

I love hearing from my readers.  Feel free to stay in touch with me in any of the following ways: Comments.  Don’t be shy, I love getting comments on my blog.  Blogging is all about a conversation, so join ours. Email. Write me at  I get a lot of email, so put something that […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Update on My Son

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments, emails, thoughts, and prayers for my son.  He had surgery this morning to clean out the area of the cat bite down to the bone and repair the tendons.  That seemed to be necessary to get the infection out once and for all.  So, at long […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


I can’t say enough about Charlotte Dixon’s coaching abilities and style. My inner editor, that pesky little voice, was interfering with my ability to draft anything. I thought it was normal–until I talked to Charlotte. During a fifteen-minute session, she talked me through several exercises. One of them hit the jackpot! Among the wonderful suggestions […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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