Category: Writing


Writing Notebooks

Or do you call them writing journals?  Writing diaries?  Whatever you call them, they are essential.  I’ve recently been asked to do a presentation in Nashville at the Path and Pen conference and I’m going to do a workshop on Writing Abundance.  This will essentially cover a whole lot of ways that I’ve discovered to […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing


There’s nothing better than sleeping with the windows open, and last night was one of the first nights that’s been possible here.  This morning I woke at 5:30 to the sound of birdsong.  This is without a doubt the best possible way to wake up in the world, even if it was half an hour […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Reading and Writing

I’ve been slacking.  Since arriving home from Nashville late on Saturday night (actually it was early Sunday morning) I’ve been pretty much Not Writing, which is a specific state of being characterized by a constant awareness that I’m doing everything but writing.   This is because writing is such a stern task mistress that she wants […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Travel Writing

Loft-y Tennessee

I am in beautiful Springfield, Tennessee, where there are rolling green fields and the air feels totally different than it does in beautiful Portland, Oregon–mostly because it is warm.  I’m staying at the home of Terry Price, and we are theoretically working on the Loft. No, we are really working on it–we have been chatting […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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