Guest Post at The Golden Pencil
The thought occurs to me that in my rush to get organized to go on vacation tomorrow (I’m taking my computer as I cannot live without being connected to the internet and the blogosphere) and get all my work done, I failed to mention my guest post over at The Golden Pencil.
The Golden Pencil is Anne Wayman’s blog, which is connected to her site on writing. She is one of my best sources for freelance writing jobs on the internet, and you can sign up for her daily emails that list the jobs. Its a great resource, and she does it all for free.
My guest post appeared on Thursday, and it is about sending out ships–or, in other words, replying to ads and sending out queries and submissions as often as possible. You’ll have to scroll down a bit to find it now, but the thing is, Anne has other great bloggers doing guest posts also and they are all worth reading.
Thanks to Anne for allowing me a bit of time on her blog!