Clearly I am still at the beach, as I’ve not done much in the way of posting the last few days. It is just soooooo relaxing down here. I haven’t sunk this deeply into relaxation in, well, several years–since the last time we spent a week here.
Believe it or not, I’ve only been checking my email once or twice a day. Okay, maybe three times. But, still. C’mon, for me, that is amazing.
It is lucky for me that I am checking messages because the wonderful Karen Mason informed me today that she just posted one of my stories on her blog!
The story is called In The Yucatan, and it is one of my favorites. You can go read it here. Please do! And thank Karen while you are at it. She is amazing and wonderful and doing great things with publishing the work of others.
Thanks, Karen!
And I promise I’ll return to the regularly scheduled programming soon. Really, really soon. As soon as I get away from the force field of doing nothing here at the Oregon Coast.
Oh Lucky you! How devilish to tell the rest of the computer slaves that you’ve broken free and escaped to sandy climes! Is it legal to be so carefree? :)
Looking forward to your next piece, your writing is very enjoyable indeed.
Thank you so much for the compliment. I do think it should be illegal to get this relaxed!
Becca Allison
Wow, Charlotte, beautiful story! I am in awe of your talent. I’m just getting started, but I’m determined! Love your site here – I’m learning so much.
Thank you, Becca, I am so glad you liked the story, and the blog!
This is the comment I left for your friend after I read “In the Yucatan.”
Charlotte certainly has a way of conveying the scene about her so one may feel her setting is tangible. Where one feels comfortable and sympathizes with the storyteller enough to become like a fly on the wall, to have a back row seat on this bus ride. She beautifully captures the separate preoccupations of those about her all the way up to that telling climb and her final sit down psychology. I loved wrapping it about me like a cloak. Well done.
Thank you so much. It is wonderful to hear your compliments! And so wonderful of Karen to have published me in the first place.
Greg Provance
I’m still at the beach, too…at least in my mind’s eye. I am inspired by your ability to stay in the moment of bliss, and resist the temptation to check emails…a difficult thing for me most times. Today, I will practice the art of presence, being ever thankful for beaches-in my mind or otherwise!
To your bliss…
Greg Provance
Hey Greg,
I’m actually having a really hard time getting back into the swing of the work world, even though I love my work. By the way, I’m really enjoying your daily messages. Everyone should subscribe!