And Also (Further Notes on Travel)
I'm in the Denver airport and I've been thinking about the post I wrote yesterday about traveling, a writer's travels to be exact.
In retrospect, I realized I wanted to write a paragraph about what I missed when I travel, but I didn't. Why? Because I was rushed and had a million things to finish before my sister picked me up at the crack of dawn this morning. That's another thing about traveling so much: it makes me feel as if I'm always in a rush.
And then I don't have time to do things I want to do, because I'm so often preparing for a trip, giving a workshop, responsibilty for a weekend orientation, meeting with ghostwriting clients, etc. For instance, I've been organizing my office for months now. Every time I start to make some progress on it, a new trip looms and I get pulled away to get ready.
Back to the opening sentiment. Here are things I miss when I travel:
My cats
Sunday suppers with my family
American Idol (there's no TV where I'm staying)
Fires in the fireplace
Oregon rain
I'm sure if I thought about it longer I'd come up with more.
And yet. I'm reading reports on the Haiti earthquake as I wend my way across the country and it is just horrendous. I am so damn lucky–we all of us are, anyone who has time to read this blog and worry about writing. Odds are good we have roofs over our heads, and enough food to eat, and a nice hot shower (to say nothing of a nice hot fireplace). Yesterday I had the utter luxury of spending the morning shopping and worrying about what I was going to wear for the workshop.
I am so damn lucky. I love my life. Home will wait. I love traveling. Lord, don't let me forget this.
***If you want to donate to the earthquake relief fund, go here to an excellent compendium on the Huffington Post. I planned to do a round-up myself, but I'm running out of time before I board the plane to Nashville.
Your post today feels like a synchronicity to me. Most days, I take out a Zen Tarot card from the Osho Zen Tarot pack, and today the card was the 8 of Fire, (Travelling) and its message was that the journey is the destination, so we are already there, wherever we are… We are home.
The card acted as a reminder for me to take a little more control of my mind’s meanderings and focus in the hara (point in the lower abdomen) and to realize that there is only this moment. I am always “going somewhere”, but that is really an illusion, because I am always here – wherever that may be. And then I got to thinking of how really we share all the resources of the universe, and because we share those things, we are all connected. With our “family” at all times.
Charlotte Dixon
I do try to remember that the journey is the destination, so thanks for the remiinder, Derek!
J.D. Frost
Yes, we are lucky, lucky for having all the things you mentioned and lucky, as well, that we can read casually rather than laboriously or not at all.
Charlotte Dixon
We have so many things to be grateful for! Among them, for me, are my blog readers….
Charlotte Dixon
I’ve heard a lot about that movie, but haven’t seen it yet, maybe because I felt it might hit a bit too close to home. I’ll check it out, thanks, Leisa!
Leisa A. Hammett
You’re write…err…right, Charlotte! We are lucky. And, my desk get’s messed up bc of the times away. I start to get it organized and then a project or a trip….All this talk of travels reminds me….Go see Up in the Air, the movie, currently in theaters, if you haven’t already. I can’t say I loved it. The Fiance & his mother did. So did Velveteen Mind a beautifully written blog I follow. But, it has an important reminder and is a real commentary on our times. Namaste,
RennyBA's Terella
Interesting reflections on why not and why travelling!
I do agree with you both ways and I can tell you: If you join us at the Oslo Blog Gathering, there are TV on every rooms and you can watch Norwegian Idols! :lol:
Charlotte Dixon
Well, if I can watch Norwegian Idols, I’m there! :-)