Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Just posted my interview on Blog Talk Radio, hosted by Suzanne Peters. You can hear it by clicking on the link to the right, below the twitter button. We talked about writing blocks and had a great time!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Melody.Haislip@gmail.com

    I was warned your blog was very good. I should have listened! I’ve just dipped my toe in the water, and I will be reading on. Wanted to say I enjoyed my first bite; very much to my taste. There’s plenty to learn on your site. Looks like you’ve put a lot into it. Happy that you’re making it work for you!

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Melody, it is great to see you here!

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Derek, it was fun to do the interview.

  4. Derek

    Well, I was sure that I had left a message of congrats on this post, but must have dreamt it! Any my hearty congratulations Charlotte. It’s a great interview. Great to hear a voice behind the blog too :-)

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