Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Lessons From a Rock Concert, Part One

Saturday night I went to see the Eagles.  Until then, I had forgotten how much rock concerts inspire me.  

Experiencing a concert is such an all-encompassing event for me, I end up feeling determined to go forth and do my creative work with renewed vigor.

I mean, musicians have to be creative on so many levels.  Not only do they have to worry about writing the music, but then there are lyrics to think about.  And after that they have to strap on the guitar or pick up the drumsticks and stand in front of thousands of people and play their hearts out.

All I have to do is write.  And lord knows, often enough I complain about that.

Two things kept going through my head as I was at the concert:

1.  Oh my God, we're so lucky.  All of us who are creative in any way, shape, or form are just damn lucky. Because we have a hunger to share, and we share it–we shape the world through our creativity.  And there's no better fate than that.

2. Once you have found it, never let it go.  (This is a line from a song in a musical–The King and I?) I've been through periods where I've lost it for awhile.  To be honest, I'm coming out of one now.  Oh, I never lose it completely any more.  I can't, because I earn my living writing so I have to keep at it.  But sometimes I lose it where my personal writing is concerned.

What, you may ask, is it?

The spark.

The germ.

The seed.

The life.

The energy.

The inspiration that grows into a project that keeps you up late or gets you up early in the morning.

The connection you feel when you're working on it, how you transcend who you are and become part of something bigger–the way you do when you're at a concert, or watching a sunset, or gazing into the eyes of someone you love, or writing.

It is all connected.  All we have to do is take it and put it on the page.

I have more thoughts on this, to be posted tomorrow in the form of actual, real live, useful takeaways.  In the meantime, feel free to share what inspires you.

0 thoughts on “Lessons From a Rock Concert, Part One

  1. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh God, I love this story, J.D.! I had forgotten that the Eagles actually met each other through playing backup for Linda Ronstadt. And you can say you saw them when…and thank you so much for the compliment on my writing, too.

  2. Hi Charlotte, I really appreciate reading this today. My husband is a musician and singer/songwriter and yes, compared to a writer, they do have many more elements to worry about.

    Writing is such a solitary journey with no applause at the end of a piece. Being a newbie at calling myself one (I’m still working on that), I think about that spark and wonder how (if at all) other creative types “bang it out” so to speak when that spark is flickering. I suppose, like anything, it requires commitment.

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    Belinda, Yes, I think all creative endeavors require commitment. As a matter of fact, I’m going to be writing a post related to that very topic next week. You got it right–musicians at least get applause at the end of their sets, unlike us poor solitary writers.

  4. J.D.

    Egads, I hate to date myself, and I’m not talking about a Saturday night alone with a movie. Years ago I saw Linda Ronstadt at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. She introduced her backup band, a group I nor anyone else there had heard of, the Eagles. She was the star and they dutifully played her tunes. She let them play alone while she took a break. No one paid attention. We drank beer until Linda came back. They were just some unknowns on the stage. They didn’t exist. LOL. You’re a writer like that, Charlotte. You have the skills, it just a matter of time.

  5. Roy Burkhead

    I know what you mean, Charlotte, about the connection you feel to the writing when you’re doing it. I feel that way now with my characters. I’ve been writing again for the past week, and sure, it has felt good. But I do feel as if I am reconnecting again with old friends, these inhabitants of my imagination. It’s as if they have been there all along, waiting for me to come back and finish their stories. And they were there, all along. :-)

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Yay, Roy, I’m so glad you are writing again! I love that your characters were there, waiting patiently for you. Keep us posted on your progress.

  7. David Paine

    OMG! I’m totally inspired that you are inspired by attending rock concerts. I have a hard time doing that these days. They generally keep me out past my bedtime, and when I do occasionally drag my ass to one, I have to wear my purple foam earplugs.

    The Word Strumpet is a woman of many facets, as yet still revealing.

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    I was surprised at how late it went–didn’t get home until after midnight, way past my bedtime. It wasn’t too terribly loud, though, maybe because most of the audience was of the Baby Boomer generation.

    By the way, David, your new blog is awesome!

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