Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Emma Jean’s Bad Behavior


My novel available now! 

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“I have three kids under the age of 5 but I managed to finish this book in under a week because I couldn’t put it down.”  Molly, 5 Star Amazon Review

“This well-written, funny, poignant, amazing book has opened up a whole new fiction genre for this lover of dystopian fiction.”  Samantha, 5 Star Amazon Review

“I just spent a weekend with Emma Jean and had such fun!” Jenni, 5 Star Amazon Review

Here’s the synopsis:

At age 48 (43 according to her blog, Life, Full Tilt) best-selling novelist Emma Jean Sullivan has longed for a baby for years, but after she and her husband Peter are unable to conceive, she staunchly vows to become the standard bearer for all childless couples. And she succeeds spectacularly. Emma Jean’s novels, up until recently, have sold millions, and she enjoys a rabid baby-hating fan base. But now she confronts a dilemma larger than any her heroines have faced: she’s pregnant. And the baby’s father is not her husband.

Through no fault of her own (he was just so damned adorable), she began a passionate affair with Riley, a fetching airplane mechanic she met at a book signing in LA. The rapturous relationship reorders her priorities, and she realizes that her life isn’t quite so blissful as she formerly believed, though she struggles valiantly to maintain her marriage and her sham brand throughout her wrenching travails.

Her husband is busy embezzling Emma Jean’s money and completely uninterested in fatherhood, and her lover has his hands full with problems of his own. Not only that, her latest novel is a miserable failure, and a Vanity Fair reporter, who plans to out Emma Jean’s pregnancy to her fans, is stalking her. What’s a suddenly broke, failing, middle-aged pregnant novelist to do? Why, flee to a glamorous resort town, of course. There, Emma Jean seeks privacy to figure out her next move—and finds unexpected spiritual and emotional solace.

 And don’t forget–we authors love reviews!  Please consider taking a few minutes to write a review (not just for me, but for all authors.)


0 thoughts on “Emma Jean’s Bad Behavior

  1. Fear of Writing


    What a romp! I love this story!

    I’m almost jealous of Emma Jean during her successful phase. I’d love to mythologize to myself that my life is blissful and to believe it so blithely that it takes a virtual time bomb to blow me out of my waters of illusion. ;~)

    However, true to my real nature, I do love that Emma Jean ends up retreating inward to find unexpected spiritual and emotional solace – (even if her version of “inward” does start out as a resort town, LOL. This book sounds like it has all the right ingredients: irreverence, wild fun and inner growth. Just my cup of tea!

    I wholeheartedly wish you success when your novel is published, and I can’t waiiiiiit to buy my own copy.

    ~ Milli

    P.S. I ADORE that your publishing company is called Vagabondage Press! The name seems to have been perfectly invented for your type of novel. What a great sign that you’ve found the right fit!

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks so much, Milli!  I think part of the humor of the novel comes from Emma Jean's steadfast refusal to see her life as it really is, and to see herself as she truly is–the faint glimmerings that she might be mistaken about things starts her on her spiritual journey.  I loved writing the book and I love my new publisher, so I'm really happy!

  3. Elizabeth Westmark ("Beth")

    Fantastic, Charlotte! Let me know when I can pre-order. Emma Jean’s Bad Behavior sounds like a “be careful what you wish for” and “unintended consequences” all rolled into one. I can’t wait to read it.

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Beth!  I'm really happy that this book is going to see the light of day without me having to publish it myself.  I'll keep you posted.

  5. Roy Burkhead


  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you!

  7. Barbara Shallue

    Emma Jean is already real to me, just through this little synopsis. Can’t wait to read it!

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    Emma Jean would be happy to hear that.  Thanks, Barbara!

  9. Amanda

    I am SO EXCITED to read this!

  10. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you, Amanda!

  11. Elizabeth (Beth) Westmark

    Congratulations! I just ordered “Emma Jean.” Can’t wait to read it.

  12. Bonnie

    I took Emma Jean on vacation with me this past month, and I couldn’t have asked for a better traveling companion. She’s endearingly imperfect at first, and just at the point I was ready to grab her by the shoulders, shake her, and suggest she pull on her big-girl pants, she does. I may never be the rockstar author she is, but I find her totally relatable on many levels. Emma Jean is testament that yes we can overturn our self-absorbed habits and open-up to the glorious possibilities. Thank-you for a delightful story! Looking forward to your next novel!

  13. Charlotte Dixon

    Bonnie, Thank you so much for reading Emma Jean and the great mini-review.  Yes, wanting to shake her by the shoulders and get some sense into her seems to be a common reaction.  And I do hope the rest of her journey was worth it.  I tell people the end is the best part–I just really love the way her life turns out.

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