Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Mindset of the Wealthy Writer

Money_cash_coins_261247_lI was going to write about plotting versus pantsing this morning, but then the idea for this post grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.  So here we are….(and look for the other post later this week).

Let me be clear at the outset.  I'm not wealthy, at least as far as finances go.  But I am ridiculously wealthy as far as all the other important things in life go.  I've got wonderful friends and family, a house to live in, a car that always starts (knock on wood), access to health care, both traditional and alternative, food in my belly on a regular basis, and more.  That more being two main things: I get to be a creative writer every day of my life and I enjoy freedom and independence.

Yeah, some days I'd like to earn a bit more money.  But if its for me in this life to enjoy wealth in other arenas of my life, so be it.  I know there are many others who don't share my blessings.   Here's the deal, I only enjoy my freedom and independence when I'm actively and energetically writing as regularly as possible.

And so, for me (and I suspect for many others), everything else follows from that one activity, writing.  When we're writing we're wealthy.  When we're not, we're poor.

I like this way of looking at wealth, I realize, because it puts the emphasis where it belongs, on the process rather than the product. 

Are you following me?  Am I making sense?

If all of this does indeed describe the wealthy writer, then it makes sense that the mindset of the wealthy writer is one that enables him or her to write regularly and with ease.  And who knows, that just might lead to financial wealth some day down the road, too.  (It could happen.  And by keeping your mind on the process, it will be more likely to happen.  Because you will be working to master your craft, not focusing on the end result.)

So here are some ideas on maintaining that mindset, in no particular order:

1.  Expect big things.  Decide that its going to happen and maintain that expectation.  Instead of moaning and groaning about how hard it is to find time to write, tell yourself that it's easy.  And while you're at it, remind yourself that when you do make it to the page, you'll write with grace and ease.

2. Trust, that the above will happen.  Writing involves huge buckets of trust.  It just does.  Trust that the words will continue to come.  Trust that is you have a bad writing session, the next one will be good.  Trust that your story will come together in shining glory.

3.  Be grateful.  Thank the lord or whomever you prefer every damn day that you get to be a writer.  It's the best job in the world, even if you're only practicing it a few minutes a day.

4.  Banish negative thoughts.  Yeah, I sound like Pollyanna.  So what?  Negative thoughts are creativity killers, period, and it takes discipline and diligence to pay attention to them and turn them around.  It is especially difficult after a lousy writing session like the one I had earlier this morning.  But do it anyway.  Nobody said writing was going to be easy.

5.  Give it all up and get it all back.  That's one of my favorite sayings, from Alan Cohen, and it's true.  You find yourself in a ball of worry–about where the next check is coming from, about where the next words for your WIP are coming from, about everything.  Give it up.  Release it.  And see what happens.  Just do it.  When you really, truly release your worries, magic happens.

6.  Words in, words out.  I swear to God this is true for me.  When I'm disgorging words onto the page, it is as if I need to inhale tons of them inside me.  The more I read, the more I write.  And the better I write, because as I read I'm learning the tropes of writing.  This is true for wherever you are along the writing road.

7.  Enjoy it already.  Writing is too hard not to be enjoyed, period.  Quit getting all angsty over it and relax and write.

How do you create a wealthy writer mindset?  Is being wealthy all about money for you, or is it something else?  Please leave a comment and let us know.

Photo by ctoocheck.

0 thoughts on “Mindset of the Wealthy Writer

  1. don

    Wow, these are most excellent points Charlotte, and especially the part on expecting great things and trusting that they’ll happen, otherwise, without them the very desire to even begin the writing process will die before they are even given the chance to be born!

    Thanks again Charlotte, you truly are a blessing to all us writers and want to be writers!

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    I do feel that the whole expectation thing is crucial, Don.  I've been in moments of despair over my writing and then decided to turn it around with a positive expectation–and it works!  You, as a loyal reader, are a blessing to me!

  3. Giulietta Nardone

    Hi Charlotte,

    Great post! We are being conditioned at younger and younger ages to equate success and wealth with years of education logged, job titles and salaries — even if you are miserable in every area of your life, including the job. We are also conditioned to believe that writers and other artists should not be paid a livable wage.

    I’d love us to change our mindsets and stop believing both those things. Why wouldn’t we pay the folks who make our world more beautiful great wages? Why wouldn’t we see success as living a life filled with friends, family and fun?

    Writing make me feel wealthy as defined by myself. Some of the definitions we all ascribe to were defined by someone else. Who says that is the definition?

    I expect big things for my writing and keep going until I get into the publication I’ve set my sights on. Persistence goes a long way when I’m writing.

    I’d love to see a world where artists of all kinds make a better income than folks hawking prescription meds to the elderly and kids.

    Thanks! G.

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Giulietta, wow, great response!  I love the vision of the world you present, where writers and artists are paid their due and kids are not automatically conditioned to got to school to join the machine.  Another thing we've been taught that's not true is that there's not enough.  There is plenty, it's just not distributed right.  Thank you so much for your comment!

  5. Zan Marie

    Once again, Charlotte, you share golden insight with us all! We are wealthy if we do what God gave us the talent and inclination to do. For me that’s writing. ; )

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Hear, hear!  Raising a glass to your comment, Zan Marie.

  7. Heather Jenkins


    As usual, your post resonates with me (and others from the comments here). I love the premise you propose of maintaining the mindset of a wealthy writer. I define wealth as appreciating what you have (even if it’s not a lot) rather than having so much it’s hard to appreciate anything. One thing that is vital to me is making the best use of my writing time. Time is “money”, as they say in the business world. Well, time is pure gold in the writing world. So often we lead hectic lives filled with lengthy lists propelling us from one task to the next. Five minutes of silence or ten minutes with a pen and paper can feel like winning the lottery. So I do what I can to cherish the small chunks of gold when I get them.

    Thanks again for being such an inspiration. :)

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you, Heather, for being a loyal reader!  And I'm glad you find the posts inspiring.  I agree that appreciation of what we've got is huge.  It changes our mindset and actually energizes as well.  I love that you appreciate and utilize your small chunks of time so much!

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