Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #2
Here is my weekly round-up of prompts from my daily Tumblr blog.
For inventive ways to use writing prompts, click here.
Now go write tons with them.
#11 A garden is hard to leave.
#12 The worst vacation you've ever had.
#13 The offer that was so good it couldn’t be refused, and the terrible things that happened because it was accepted.
#14 In a country just short of regret,
In the state of bittersweet oranges,
In a city of lonely blue skies.
#15 Out walking in the crepuscular evening, that time of day when lights start coming on in houses and you can see into them. And then, in that one house, something amazing. What do you see?
#16 You’re in the middle of the worst party you’ve ever attended, but you’ve not been there long enough to leave without being rude. Look around. Who’s there? What’s going on? Why is the party so awful?
#17 "Beware of advice—even this." Carl Sandburg
Let’s ignore Carl, shall we? What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten? What’s the worst?
Here's the link to the round-up from last week.
If you write something interesting or fun to one of these prompts, come back and share a snipped if you like! Happy writing!
With a little thought one could build a philosophy for life from these. You could replace Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet. Maybe The Prompt Prophet. Uh, nooooo. How about The Prompted Life? I suppose they could be used in the way they were intended.