Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Inventive Writing Post Round-up #10

The latest in writing inspiration from my Tumblr blog.  Have at it, guys!

#68  Close your eyes and imagine your childhood home.  Now put your main character in action in this home.  What happens?  Who does she see when she walks in?  What does she think of the place?

#69  The most important thing that's ever happened to you.  Really, stop and think about it.  Then write about it for you–and for your main character.

#70  They sat around the campfire roasting marshmallows.  And then the screaming began.

#71  The most romantic moment of your life.  Assign it to two characters and see what happens to them after it.

#72  The day has come at long last and I can't believe it is here.  Finally, I get to….

#73  "I can't believe it, this is all my fault," she said.  "If only I hadn't…"  What happened? What did she do to cause the problem?  Who is she talking to about it?

#74  “When I open my eyes in the morning, I am not confronted by the world, but by a million possible worlds.”  Colin Wilson.

What world does your character see in the morning when he/she wakes up?

Have a wonderful time writing, my lovelies!

0 thoughts on “Inventive Writing Post Round-up #10

  1. Zan Marie

    Oooh! Another fine list, Charlotte! ;-)

  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you, Zan Marie!

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