Charlotte Rains Dixon  

10+ Christmas Gifts for Writers

Christmas is in two weeks.  Urp.  How did that happen?  So, here's my list of suggested Christmas gifts for the writers in your life.  Or for the person who needs to buy a gift for the writer in their life.  If you're like me, you'll offer your significant other a long tiny list of suggestions. Birthday_wrapped_wrap_269147_l

1. A book!

Is there any better present than a book?  I think not.  I've got several possibilities, from friends near and far.

My suggestions:

Emma Jean's Bad Behavior.  My novel, she said modestly.  It's about a woman who loses everything but ends up finding herself.  Most of my stories are about that in one way or another.  

Dollface: A Moses Palmer Crime Thriller.  From my beloved reader J.D. Frost, this thriller will keep you wondering what will happen next, as good thrillers should.  It is also a lovely evocation of the city of Chattanooga. Read J.D.'s guest post from earlier this year here.

Swept Up by Kayla Dawn Thomas.  A wonderful romance.  It kept me company on the plane ride to Paris this year.  I did her cover reveal for the book, which you can see here.

Committed by Patrick Ross.  A unique memoir about creativity.  You can read my review and interview with Patrick here.

The Road Presents Itself, by T. Phillips Holland (also known as Tam).  I've not read this one yet, but it is most definitely on my list!  Read her guest post here.

These Gentle Wounds, by Helene Dunbar.  Another one I've not yet had the pleasure to read, though I did read part of it in  manuscript form a few years ago and loved it.  Read my interview with her here.

2.  Pens (Make great stocking stuffers)

My current favorite is the Tul.  (The u is supposed to have a funny little thing over it, but I don't know how to do that.)

3.  Notebooks, of course

I'm partial to Moleskines.  But I also just bought the Circa system from Levenger for my 2015 bullet journal, and I'm excited to see how it works.

4.  A class on Udemy

One of my favorite novelists, Rachael Herron, has one on how to write a book.  It's aimed toward beginners, but I figure you can always glean something from everything you read/watch.  Speaking of watching, keep an eye out for sales on Udemy–they have them all the time.  Like serious, 75% off sales.  

5.  A different class

This is the time of year when there are tons of them offered.  And some are ongoing. One I've got my eye on is Making a Living With Your Fiction Writing by Dean Wesley Smith.  He is, um, a bit on the bombastic outgoing side, so I'm bracing myself, but it does look worthwhile.  

6.  A goal-setting workshop

In a previous post, I confessed how setting specific goals doesn't work well for me.  So maybe I should learn how to change that?  I'm a big fan of Michael Hyatt, and he has a goal-setting workshop here.

7.  Post-It Notes

I cannot exist without mine.  I use them for everything.  My desk and calendar and to-do lists are covered with them.  So are my notes for my novel rewrite.  Great stocking stuffers.

8.  A workshop in France!

C'mon, you know you want to join me in Collioure this year.

9.  Coaching.

Stalled on your book?  Need a jump-start?  Hit me up!  You will be amazed and thrilled at how working one-on-one with a writing coach can get you going.

10.  A Stand-Up Desk.

I like the looks of this one.  I'm currently in the very long process of moving my office from upstairs to downstairs so I've not bought one yet, but its on my list for early in 2015.  I sit way too much, and I'd like to have the option to set my laptop on a pedestal and stand.

Those are my suggestions.  What are you asking for for Christmas this year?  What are you giving? Please leave a comment.

Photo by Sh0dan.

0 thoughts on “10+ Christmas Gifts for Writers

  1. Zan Marie

    That’s a lovely list…I want them all. ;-)

  2. Dyoung

    Mee too! Me too!
    ESP #8!

  3. J.D.

    Great list, Charlotte. Thank you for including “Dollface.” The Tul pens interest me; I don’t know why. My plan with pens has always been buy a bunch and put them everywhere. However, I’ve always wanted a fancy one I could wave in the face of a university pompoid. Can’t use Udemy at this time though I’m glad to find it. I’m already taking an internet course in French culture and another on the language through the Atlanta Library. I’m learning at a creeping snail’s pace, because the sequel to “Dollface” keeps getting in the way. Life is so good now. All of us dwell in the universal sphere of mankind. We have to push thanks inside that body. If we don’t it comes back to haunts us, to haunt everyone. We have to share.

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    I especially recommend the books….

  5. Charlotte Dixon

    You’re coming, aren’t you? :-)

  6. Charlotte Dixon

    Loved “Dollface,” J.D.! Happy to include it. Ooh, what class on French culture are you taking? Do tell. And yes, I agree, gratitude is SO important!

  7. Dyoung

    Oh how I’d love to! Time and other things will tell:)

    Also- your Levenger site…the circa planner- OMG….I’m a sucker for notebooks/journals/pens/office supplies in general…I love this site!

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    Ha!  I am the evil temptress, introducing you to Levenger.  I have drooled over their Circa system for years, finally bought it this year to create my bullet journal and I'm really excited.

    And France–I hope you can come! We're going to have such fun.

  9. Dyoung

    Can you describe your “bullet journal”..? I’m intrigued….

    Also- a great Christmas present would be exactly that trip…..but with all we have going on I’m not sure France is in my future…

  10. Dyoung

    And something tells me you don’t mind being an “evil temptress”!!

  11. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe I've never talked about the bullet journal here before.  It is the best calendar/note system ever.  You can read the basics here and then adapt it to your own needs:  I love it.  And I'm still holding out hope you'll come to France.  

  12. Dyoung

    You possibly have posted here about it, but I missed it…? Just so you know- just might possibly change my life! :) what an amazingly organized way to journal. I. Love. It. And I’m not waiting till 2015 to start either…

  13. Dyoung

    Finally a new post on I had to boast the bullet journaling!

  14. Charlotte Dixon

    I have to agree.  I found the bullet journal life changing when I discovered it last year.  It combines a notebook, calendar, to-do list, goals, everything I need–without pre-formed lists and sections that never worked for me.  I'm so glad you like it!

  15. Joel Griffith

    Books are such great gift ideas – thoughtful yet not too bad on the wallet :)

  16. Charlotte Dixon

    They are the best, aren't they?  I'm always delighted to receive a book.

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