Five on Friday: Mind Miasma

How I’m Feeling: The title of this post. I’m in a mind miasma. I finished the rough draft of my novel, which was such a non-event it barely even registered. No glowing feeling of satisfaction or bragging to family and friends. I just quietly wrote the last word, fell on my office floor and cried “Thank you, God!” as I genuflected. Not really, but I am glad to be done with it. I just know the rewrite is a huge job and I’m putting it on the back burner for the moment.
I have projects galore that I’m excited about. The whole time I worked on the novel all I could think about was how I wanted to be done so I could move onto the new things. And then I finished–and suddenly the new things aren’t so shiny any more. Mind miasma. Does that ever happen to you? It does to me all the time when I finish something. It means I just need to take some time off and give my brain a rest.
What I’m Excited About: We’ve had a couple more people sign up for the France retreat and that’s made me think about it anew and get excited. If you are at all interested, now is the time to raise your hand because slots are filling fast. You can reply to this email if you’ve got a yen to write in the south of France come September.
But maybe you don’t want to go so far? How about three days at the Oregon coast? Registration for my Sitka workshop is open, and several wonderful people have already committed. The workshop is called Mapping the Novel and it is going to be a ton of fun. Here’s the link.
What I’m Disappointed In: My knitting. I went to Knit Night on Wednesday with only one project which was a big mistake because I ended up ripping it out and then I didn’t have anything to knit so I had to go home early. Ever since then, my knitting has been kind of like my writing: all my fun, shiny projects seem dull and boring. Maybe I’m in a creative slump. Nah. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the eons and eons I’ve been a writer, its that creativity is a process. And part of that process is ebbs and flows. Right now I just have to be in an ebb.
What I’m Obsessing About: Organization. Not macro-wise, but mini-wise. As in, should I put those notes I want to take about that book on index cards, the computer, or a min-binder? The issue is ease of retrieval, as in, where will I be able to find them again? (This is my the desktop of my computer is covered with icons–out of sight, out of mind.) Yeah, such are the things I worry about when I’m not writing. Which is why it is VERY GOOD that most times I am writing. Because I drive myself bat shit crazy when I’m not.
What the Weather is Like: It is full-on spring here, sunny, a light breeze, 70 degrees, everything that blooms or has ever thought of blooming is abloom. There is no place better on the planet than Oregon in the springtime. But whatever you do, don’t move here. We can’t take many more people! The population is expected to increase by another 50% by 2020 and already our housing prices have increased higher than anywhere else in the country. Trying to buy a house in Portland these days is about as easy as training a cat or selling a book.
What’s up with you?
Photo from freerangestock.
Miasma. That describes my feelings as well. I am not collapsing under the weight of my world nor is my heart stomped flat–I just feel odd. I’m writing but I’m having trouble getting on frequency. My brain is in the AM mode, a lot of static and more than enough difficulty finding the station. My son will be home tomorrow. That excites me. My son has cut off his hair to honor his work associate who has cancer. I’m considering joining him. I haven’t done the Lemon Pledge look since boot camp, but I think I’m headed there (no pun). The writing will improve. I have to fumble around until I latch onto something I can believe in.
Charlotte Rains dixon
The writing will improve. It always does. And I think you expressed my dilemma exactly: latching onto something I can believe in.
Hooray for your son coming home! And if you do shave your head, send a photo!!! That is so cool that you’re going to do it, too.