Five on Friday: May
We had two days of hot weather here this week and it reminded me of how much I love this month. May! Sunshine and soft air on my skin. Never mind that it is now raining again…
What I’m reading: Last weekend, I dropped my husband off at the barber and headed to the library, with the understanding that he’d walk over when he was finished. Turned out I nabbed my stack of books quickly. And, the library was not busy. This never happens at our library–it is always bustling. So I took my books and found a table at the kid’s section (which was completely empty). And there I sat, quietly and happily perusing the titles I’d checked out. Is there anything more laden with possibility than a pile of books? I think not.
Here’s a terrific read called Let Go of Learning Baggage, about the need to allow ourselves time to delve deeply into things. My short, sweet interlude in the library reminded me of all this.
A fun free thing: I got an email this week from the kind folks at Penguin Random House, telling me about this free writing guide. It’s about writing short stories, and has a variety of stellar contributors. Definitely worth a download.
What I’m watching: This video from Rachael Herron, on whom I have a writerly-girl crush, about her time at a writer’s retreat in Venice, one she was leading. I love the part where she says sometimes she is jealous of herself, which is how I feel when I am in France, leading a writer’s workshop/retreat. (Speaking of which, our two sessions are almost full, but we did have one cancellation, so let me know if you’re interested.)
What is amusing me: The notes I wrote myself as I completed the rough draft of my current novel. Here’s a direct quote (I always write them in all caps): OH GOD THIS IS ALL SO BAD I CAN’T STAND IT. CARRY ON ANYWAY. And here’s the thing–the writing wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. Which is a lesson to us all. The best thing to do is write that rough draft as fast as you can and trust that you are getting the good stuff on the page. Because you are.
What I’m excited about: My upcoming beta program called Do That Thing. It is designed to get you doing your thing, whatever that thing may be. I’ve been reading stuff about productivity, goals, how the brain works, etc., for years, but lately I’ve been cramming even more on these topics into my brain. I love doing this, almost as much as I love writing. And I’ve got two spaces left, but I get more sign-ups every time I send a newsletter out and my next issue goes out Sunday. So if you’re at all interested, sign up! I’m offering it at a ridiculously low price because it is a beta run and I want to reserved the right to make mistakes. I’d love to have you join me!
That’s it for me. What’s up with you?
Don Williams
I’ve got to check out that link on short writing. For some reason that’s discouraging, lately your blog takes a very long time to load. Why? Beats me. Could be on my side. so I’ll have to try loading on another computer. Maybe the next time I’m at the library.
As far as books go, I have a book by my former teacher, Bony Becker. I’ve had it for four months and have been to weak to open it, but after reading your blog I think I’ll try reading in tonight. Bonny is a New York Times best selling children’s author so I’m sure the book, Bedtime Story for Bear, will be great. Have a great week Charlotte. Lots of hugs from the rainy, rainy east coast.
Charlotte Rains Dixon
Interesting. The ways of the internet are mysterious indeed.
And I hope you got to read Bonny’s book!