Category: Uncategorized


New Posts

In your internet travels, hop on over and check out my new blogs.  Looks as if they’ve gotten a lot of material posted over there, its still a start-up which went live only last Monday, so bear that in mind.  Think its going to be a good blog network, though.  I’ve written a number of […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

A New Gig

I’ve been remiss in posting because I’ve been the wee-est bit distracted by the usual suspects–the necessity of making a living (oh, yeah, that). But I have good news–I am, as of Tuesday, the official new host (hostess?) of two new blogs on the Powered By Everything blog network.  I will be the one and […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


There’s a wonderful article about Kiva on the ABC News website.  Its called "Finding Peace Through Paypal" and you can read it here. You may have noticed the large ad for the organization on this blog.  I think its a great idea, a way to help other entrepeneurs help themselves.  Apparently, we can now lend […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

New Features

Typepad has done this amazingly cool thing which allows bloggers to create their own pages now.  I’ve been waiting for a feature like this.  Truthfully, I haven’t really, because I didn’t know it was possible, being the non-techie type that I am.  But I have been trying to figure out where to place some of […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Short and Sweet or SEO?

We all know Seth Godin is a god (its even part of his name).  I’ve been reading his free e-books on blogging and making lenses on Squidoo.  (Go here to find them.) Seth talks about making blog entries short and sweet.  Good strategy.  What I find very interesting, though, is the contrast between the blog-writing […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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