Category: Words


My 2018 Word of the Year

So, every year I choose a word to represent the year. Actually, most years I choose three words.  And usually I write a blog post about my words in December.  Well, December is long gone and I never wrote the blog post. And that’s because I felt uninspired about choosing a word–or words.  Usually they […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

My Word for 2017

So many people do this that it’s become cliche. But, oh well, I’m going to do it anyway because it is fun. What I’m talking about is choosing a word–or words, as I usually do–for the new year.  Half the time I lose my words to the mists of forgetting and if you asked me […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Three Words for 2014

Man oh man. I went upside down and all around over this post. Every year I choose either a word or three words.  The idea is that the word or words will guide my thoughts and actions as I navigate through the upcoming year.   Choosing the words is an interesting process. Usually, they just […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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