Category: Writing

Creativity Writing

The Writing Bogs

A couple of days ago, I wrote a post titled, Where Do You Get Bogged Down? I wrote about how there are several potential landmines on the way to getting words onto the page.  Bursting with excitement for writing, you schedule a session, but somehow it never gets done.  Because one of several things might […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Books Writing

Guest Post Today!

Today marks the start of what I hope will be a regular feature–the guest post. I’m thrilled that my first guest poster is none other than Roy Burkhead himself. I have Roy to thank for my career in teaching, since he hired me originally to teach at the Loft. He’s a damn fine writer himself, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


I spent all yesterday without the internet.  This is like making Scarlett O’Hara live without Tara or my pug live without food or a gambler live without Las Vegas.  Not only that, we were without television and the land-line, too.  Now, nobody ever answers the land-line, I have a cell phone, and I rarely watch […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Telling Not Selling

I have my wonderful friend Candace White to thank for this.  (All you writers, artists and self-employed folks who have been frustrated in the past about getting insurance ought to call Candace.  She’ll call you “y’all” and offer you vodka and make you tortilla soup and coconut cake and when all the important stuff is […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Writing Writing Events

Excellent News

Well, the meeting about the ghostwriting may have been a terrible debacle but I did get some excellent news yesterday. The writing certificate program I teach at in Nashville (actually it is part of the Continuing Education Department at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro) has, of late, been….how shall I say this delicately….well, it […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Critiquing Nightmares

I’ve written about critiquing before.  (I know, I know, the good blogging thing to do would be to look back and find all the links–because it was a multi-part series–but getting a post up is all I’m good for after the day I’ve had. Update: I caved.  See the end of this post for links.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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